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! Authors' note!

Updated late 2022 (please bare with me lol)

Here's some background on the story! The original character Arawn is a part of a group of women up to be the prince's maids, Arawn's has light brown short hair that cuts at her jaw with light brown eyes. Her mother Agnus has asked her to become a maid to make money for them to fix their old and worn house that is only just keeping them safe. Arawn was born outside of Asgardian territory however was brought in from another part of the realm in secret. She technically should not be in Asgardian land but her shapeshifting abilities are what have kept her hidden thus far. She has a brother who works as a guard in the palace, Jonar is currently training with prince Thor and another group to be the newest guards.

She fears if caught she will be beheaded by the all-father Odin for it is forbidden to hide such magic in the realm. Arawn is a few years younger than Loki who is 1048 Aseir years (Asgardian). She is of average height meaning Loki is capable of towering over her.

Her mother has taught her how to be a maid as she had been one herself in her younger years so she is now practised. 

(This story has also recently been changed and re altered so please be conscious that the comments will no longer align with the story!

anyhow onto the story now!



My heart was pounding in my chest so fast that I was sure my ribs would no longer be able to contain it. But I kept my composure. On the outside at least. 

My long cloak framed my every so slightly shaking figure as I dismounted my chestnut horse, Auburn, He was gentle but quick and powerful stead. Served me well for many journeys so, of course, I used him as my means to get here.

I said my goodbyes placing a light hand upon his warm snout he huffed into my palm as if knowing what I was doing was stupid. That I should just remount him and we should run away together away from dangerous territory. But this was something I knew I could not afford to run away from.

His dark eyes locked with mine a final time as his bit was tugged by a guard clad in shiny gold armour who clicked his tongue to get the beast's attention. The sun glinting his wear so much so it nearly blinded me so I looked away hearing fading snuffles and the clop of hooves.  It appeared me and one other lady here had arrived by horse. Though I'd like to make the comparison that we were the same, we were in fact not the same. Me and the other ladies here had a divide between us, I was the only one who could see it vividly.

I had a stronger blood.

 Others arrived via carriage as I eyed light pastel dresses and shades of hair done up in all sorts of ways. laughter and chatter amongst plenty of women who gather for this opportunity.

  The other potential maids were already beginning to line up hopping out of their carriage rides left and right and I followed suit with caution as the golden doors shone hundreds of feet taller than us all. I scoffed at their dainty thought garments, they were all chattering to one another 

"Thor is so incredible"  

"Right! did you see him wielding Mjolnir this dawn? I swear on my grave I would do anything for that god-"

"oh my to work in such close regard to him would be a dream, I would not mind washing that armour of his, amongst other things.." A chorus of giggles and reddening cheeks ensued that remark.

I was the only one here with a clear enough head that I would be working for the god not kissing his feet and praying he would look my way, sometimes I do wonder what job description they read for this. 

The crowd looked to be of thirty to forty women, of all different shapes and sizes, some reminded me of myself, I saw a drive in other women here that matched mine. A woman in blue had a face of determination and was quiet amongst the others. I decided to keep to myself as well, feeling it was best not to focus on much else. I saw other women brandishing glittery garments, some of higher class and others of lower as one shorter girl pinched her right hip material to hold the hole out of sight.  

There were neatly braided buns and flowing gold curls. I feel like I was out of place amongst the group with a mundane dark brown ponytail to keep strands out of my eyes. I wasn't wearing a dress either, I was in pants and a tunic tucked in and neatly buttoned. I chose a forest green cloak for the occasion I did not know what to particularly dress myself in and I refused my mother's dated pink dress. 

The doors creaked and I was snapped out of a world beyond this one, I was in around the middle of the cascading line that descended the stairs behind me. Everyone straightened up and hushed, the gold morning glow coating all of us in a surreal manner. I cleared my throat and clasped my hands across each other behind me as a sign of respect, something my father had taught me. 

My stomach churned as I could faintly make out the sound of a guard calling out something far in front of me, a mixture of "what did he say?" "I don't even know! what if it was important?" 's broke out before the line shuffled forward a centimetre so much so I barely even had to take a step forward. 

I let out a long sigh and unclasped my hands. Today was going to be a long day.  


After what felt like an eternity times infinity, I could firmly find myself positioned at the entrance of the gold doors. I had an entire view of the entire hall that seemed to have a towering roof, and space left and right. To my right, I could see the set of grand stairs that led to Odin's chair, to which the grand man himself was seated. 

Berating a young girl with black hair for crying with nerves as she shook with fear in front of him. I recognised all mother on Odin's left, she gave a sorrowful look and inhaled deeply as the young girl was escorted out parallel to me where another set of doors held the exit. I clenched my jaw. How crude to have the line of maids watch as well, was this not enough pressure?


The guard closest to my left grunted, his spear in his hand set in position as it was angled up and out of my way, allowing for me to step forward. My stomach was in knots as I stepped forward and then strode into the grand building,  a guard was kind enough to direct me to the right area to stand. I looked down, my heart beating in my ears.

I could barely hear anything let alone all father as he spoke. "You may look up" he recounted calmly, I allowed my eyes to meet his head following this action. I straightened my shoulders.

My mother had told me there were to be two maids per Prince. My mother had done a great deal about warning me with the raven-haired god I could have the possibility of serving. She told me he was known well as the god of lies and tricks so I had to watch how I did things if I was to be his maid. 

Especially since technically I myself was lying, but It would be incredibly difficult to tell as I had managed to hold this form for such a long period of time at will.

Besides I was here to make my mother proud, so I would do my absolute best. 

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