Chapter 4

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A big wave flooded the still sleeping Angelica on the beach. Panicked, she was startled and gasped for air. She must have fallen asleep on the beach. Tired she looked at the sun. She had just risen and was still standing deep.
Then Angelica remembered the Voodoo doll of Jack. She was right next to her and Angelica got her up.
The doll would help her well, but nevertheless, she wanted personal revenge with Jack.
But at first she had to get away from this godforsaken island...
Angelica got up and stowed the doll on her belt. She walked through the sand and looked at the water. Moving on and on.
It didn't take long since Angelica had walked around the whole island, because she was very small.
At some point a ship had to come by here. It could not be that no one took this course.
Angelica ran up and down impatiently. She didn't want to stay here any longer. It was terrible to be bound at one point without a chance to get away. She also didn't know how long she could survive without any water.
She wanted to ran into the water, scream and cry, she wouldn't be heard by anyone.
She had tried everything to convince Jack not to expose her... She had even faked a pregnancy, but he didn't care. Suppose it would have been right and she would be really pregnant, he would have just left her alone...
Angelica let herself fall into the sand. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself, but even if she didn't want it, she had to think about that and so it was impossible to calm down.
As she looked at the water again, she noticed a ship on the horizon. Angelica couldn't believe her eyes. That was impossible!
She got up and started to wave and to scream.
But the closer the ship came, she realized, that it was the Queen Anne's Revenge. How could that be?
She saw with her own eyes, how her father died, this time it was impossible that he was still alive.
The ship came closer.
After a long time an old man got off board. Angelica knew immediately who he was.
It was the one-legged man. Angelica walked a few steps backwards, but the man approached her.
"I know you..." he mumbled. "You helped killing my father. And me too." Angelica hissed. "Ah... Miss Teach! Now I remember! How did you survive, if I'm allowed to ask that?" he smiled sneaky. "Because of the ritual... and because of that, my father is dead now!" Angelica shouted. "Well... then I got what I wanted!" the one-legged man laughed.
"What?!" Angelica couldn't believe what she just heard.
"But how did you get here?" he asked then. "Not worth mentioning..." Angelica got
more quiet. "I understand... but I guess you want to get off here, aye?"
"Aye, Captain...-" "Barbossa."
"Captain Barbossa..."
"I'm on my way to Tortuga, what do you think about that?" Barbossa asked. He had in mind why Angelica was here on this island and hoped he could use this to his advantage.
"Tortuga... well, all right." Angelica answered quickly.
"Then come on, Miss!" Barbossa offered her his hand, but Angelica knocked her out.

As she arrived at the Queen Anne's Revenge, she looked into many familiar faces. Among other things, she saw Scrum, who was just coming up the stairs.
Angelica looked around. It was strange to know that this ship now belonged to Barbossa. For years she had sailed with her father on it.
"It won't take long until we arrive in Tortuga." Barbossa said.
Angelica turned to him. "All right." she didn't answer more.
Barbossa understood quickly, that Angelica wasn't easy to deceive. "Miss... you know the name Jack Sparrow, aye?"
"Yes. Why do you ask me that?"
"You have to know... Jack and I, we aren't really friends and-"
"And nevertheless he helped you to get to the fountain!" Angelica interrupted the Captain.
"This was only because we got the same goal. But now, I think we got the same goal, don't we?" Barbossa smiled.
"Why do you think that?" Angelica wanted to know.
"Because I can already imagine who brought you to the island."
Angelica sighed. "Well... I think you are right, we got the same goal for sure."
"So how about a small deal, Miss?" Barbossa approached her more.
"And how should this deal look like?" Angelica asked emotionless.
" I don't want Jack to be an obstacle on the seven oceans, and if you help me to get what I want, then I can offer you something..."
"What?" Angelica was not impressed yet.
"You will be first mate on this ship." Barbossa said.
Angelica looked at him in unbelief. "Why should you do that?" she wanted to know.
"Because the ones that got the same ideas of a better world, need to fight together, am I right?"
Angelica knew, that Barbossa wanted to use her to his own advantage, but he was right.
"Listen!" she began. "I already got a plan and I will carry it out. I will get my personal revenge with Mister Sparrow, you can believe me. Why should I work together with you?" she asked.
"Because then you get your ship back..." Barbossa smiled. "But I don't want to put pressure on you, you can tell me your decision later."
"Tortuga!" a voice screamed. Angelica hurried to the railing and saw an island on the horizon.
That was Tortuga, without doubt...

Jack and Angelica at the same place without they both knowing... how long might that go well?🤔
Please guess what happens next!🤗😘

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