Chapter 6

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"Jack?! Where have you been?" a man shouted and ran to them. It was Mister Gibbs. When he saw Angelica, he stopped.
"That can't be real..." he mumbled. "You're alive!"
"You see me, right?" Angelica sounded annoyed.
"A luck..." Gibbs gasped. "We wanted to go back to the island, but-"
"I already know this story." Angelica interrupted him.
"How did you get off alone?" Gibbs wanted to know.
"Say... she got little help." Barbossa said, who came next to Angelica and put his hand on her shoulder. This made Angelica wince and she slowly pulled her shoulder away.
"Barbossa..." Gibbs whispered.
"You?!" Jack shouted very shocked.
"Aye... after a little conversation we realized that we got the same goal." Barbossa smiled, then he turned to Angelica. "Miss Teach... did you decide?" he asked.
"Decided? For what?" Jack wanted to know.
"Because of our interests,  I was not averse to suggesting a cooperation to Miss Teach." Barbossa explained.
Jack couldn't believe what he just heard.
"Gentlemen... Excuse us for a minute." he said then, and before Angelica could say anything, he pulled her by the arm into a narrow alley.

"Are you crazy?!" Jack shouted then.
"Didn't we want to talk to each other normally?" Angelica asked and shakes her head. "Sparrow, Sparrow... it's not easy to please you."
"You can not just band together with him."
"I didn't band together with him."
"But you think about it, do you?" Jack couldn't understand Angelica.
"Maybe..." she smiled.
"What did he offer you?" Jack wanted to know.
"I remain first mate of the Queen Anne's Revenge."
"You forget that he stabbed your father." Jack reminds her.
"And you? You gave him the wrong chalice, you betrayed me and you used me! You've taken everything from me, for the second time, everything I got and everything that was important to me!" Angelica had to make an effort not to cry.
"But it would be wrong... and you know that."
"And you have always done the right thing? ...So don't tell me anything about right and wrong, Sparrow!"
Jack sighed.
"I wanted to do the right thing." he explained.
"Really?! ...Well, if it's the right thing to leave me alone on an island to starve, to die of thirst and to die slowly, then we got nothing more to talk about." Angelica got furious.
"I wanted to come back." Jack said quiet.
"Oh really? But you didn't."
"Only because I couldn't get the Black Pearl out of that bottle, I tried everything, but it didn't work. Should I have been swimming?" Jack hated it to explain himself.
"Of course it didn't work." Angelica laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"That's Blackbeard's work. You can not do that easily." she went on explaining.
"But it isn't impossible?"
" is not..." Angelica smiled.
"And you know how it works, aye?" Jack approached her.
"Yes... I know exactly how." Angelica responded.
Jack had to know it.
"And I think you want me to help you, right Sparrow?" Angelica started to smile brighter.
"Well..." Jack sighed.
Angelica looked at him expectantly, she knew exactly that he needed her help.
"What do you want?" Jack rolled his eyes. He knew her too well.
Angelica laughed. "The Voodoo doll." she said.
"What?!" Jack shouted. He did not expect that. He thought of money or one of the ships that once belonged to Blackbeard.
"What's up?" she reached out her hand.
"I'll give it to you after that..."
"No, now!" Angelicas sight went deep in Jack's thoughts.
He hesitantly took out the doll and gave it to her.
"Thank you." she smiled and put her away.
As she wanted to go back to the others, Jack pushed her against a house wall.
"One last thing..."
"Don't go with Barbossa...please." Jack seemed worried to Angelica. She knew by herself, that it would not be right to do this. She just wanted to get out of that island. And even though Angelica had sworn she would not depend on Jack anymore, she still broke in when they both looked each other in the eye and she could see a little bit of concern in Jack's eyes.
Angelica sighed and looked at the floor.
"I won't." she said a bit annoyed.
Jack was relieved.
"All right..." he mumbled.

Then they went back to Gibbs and Barbossa, who were still standing in the same spot and did not seem to have spoken a word.

"Is everything alright?" Gibbs asked.
"Of course." Angelica answered.
"Did you decide now, Miss?" Barbossa asked again.
"Yes... I have." she started
"What's the answer?"
"No." Angelica just said.
"What?" Barbossa could not believe.
"My answer is no!" Angelica repeated a bit louder.
Barbossa looked to Jack who had to smile.
"Well... you have to know that." he said confused. He didn't expect that at all.
"Just one thing... If you want to work together with Sparrow, then you are one of my enemies, that might be clear." Barbossa turned around and disappeared in the streets of Tortuga...

I started a voting on my instagram account a few days ago, if Angelica will go and make a deal with Barbossa, and I am really sorry to disappoint you, because everyone votes for 'yes' 😂😂
I hope you do like my story anyways. And I can tell you, it will get exciting soon!😘

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