Chapter 27

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As hard as she tried, Angelica couldn't get into sleep again. She turned around in the bed hundred of times. She was thinking about so many things.
When would they arrive at the core of the ocean?
And how would it be?
And Jack... what happened to him?
Why was he that sentimental?
She liked it, but it was new.
Why couldn't she just let the past go away?
Why had she always to fear that some things would repeat?
All these thoughts hurried through her head.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Jack asked suddenly.
Angelica sat up. "I don't know. I can't sleep at the moment." she answered.
"Are you thinking about something?"
"About too much, I guess..." Angelica sighed.
Jack stood up and sat down next to her on the bed.
"About what?" he asked.
His voice sounded honestly and trustable.
"Do you think it would have been worked if we had met differently?" Angelica asked.
"I'm not sure... maybe. Why are you asking me that?" Jack wanted to know.
"Just because I'm thinking about it every time..."she responded. "It's not easy to finish, you know?"
"But what tells you that you need to finish?"
Angelica shrugged. "I don't know. It's more this uncertainty that lets me try to do so."
"Uncertainty?" Jack repeated.
"Yes. We never really said goodbye, at some time, we just didn't exist anymore."
"Yes... seems like that..." Jack mumbled. "Can I ask you one question?"
"Yes." Angelica answered.
"You have to be honest to me, alright. Otherwise this won't make sense." Jack bet.
"Do you really want to forget everything and finish with everything that happened?" His emphasis was on 'want'.
Angelica thought a bit about that question.
She knew exactly that she didn't wanted to. But even if she didn't wanted, something gave her the feeling that she had to. And she didn't wanted to have that feeling. But it did not want to disappear. This was so confusing. There was so much that she didn't wanted...
She sighed.
"It's not that I want it..." she started, but even before she could go on, Jack interrupted her. "So I am not unimportant to you?"
"No. You aren't. But I think I told you that often enough, Sparrow!" Angelica said.
"Yes, but I always ask myself if you can't trust me anymore."
"Why shouldn't I trust you?"
"Do I really have to tell you?" Jack smiled, but Angelica could see that this smile was unreal. He seemed to worry about that for real. And to her surprise, Jack was thinking about these things too, just like her.
"I trust you Jack..." Angelica wanted him to calm. She really didn't wants him to think she wouldn't trust him.
"But then I don't understand why it's so hard for you to give all this a chance again." Jack seemed like he really wanted it... a new chance for them.
To Angelica, the idea of the 'us' between them, seemed familiar. The more she listened to Jack's honest and true words, the more she wished it to become the truth.
"Don't you want that too?"
Angelica smiled, but said nothing. She just looked down and went on smiling. Jack noticed it and wondered why she didn't answer him.
"Angelica? Why are you smiling?" he asked. "I feel completely mucked around!"
"It's just because you are asking and asking. You should know me Jack... after all that years. And I should know you. But I just realized, I don't know all sides of you. You are so sentimental and you-"
"I don't give up?" Jack ended her sentence.
"And that's not normal for me?"
"Of course it is... but...-"
"You never thought that the big Captain Jack Sparrow could act like this because of a woman?" he ended it again.
"Well... maybe." Angelica laughed nervously.
"It's not because of any woman." he said.
"Jack please..." she put her face in her hands. "This is all so messed up."
"Because we make it all messed up." Jack told her.
Angelica looked up to him. "What do you mean?"
"Well... all these questions 'is it possible?', 'can we do this' and so on. And I, at the beginning I was thinking that pirates can't feel like that. This was something completely unrealistic to me. And I tried to avoid it. But then came the feelings and I knew that now it's getting complicated." Jack explained.
Angelica laughed. "Complicated?" she asked.
"Yes. And it was the truth, I mean... look at us." Jack smiled. He was glad to make her smile a bit.
"But anyway... no matter how complicated it is, I can see that you want the same thing that I want." he went on.
"And what?"
"A new beginning."
Angelica stopped smiling and looked down again. "A new beginning..." she mumbled. "I wish..."
"And I wish that too." Jack said. He turned her head in his direction. "I want it to become easier, for both of us. And I know that it will become easier, because you want it too. Now that we can talk about this topic so normally, everything becomes clear."
Angelica wondered about him so bad. She never heard anything like that from him. She couldn't believe it. All these worries about Jack and about them, they all were gone. She got new hope again and just needed to smile.
"Why are you always right, Sparrow?" she asked smiling.
"Am I?"
"Yes you are and you always were."
"No matter what your worries are, take your time. The most important thing is, that we never stop believing that a new beginning is possible. It won't be immediately the same again as when we met, but it doesn't have to. It takes time, but it's worth it." Jack said.
Angelica nodded and smiled gladly. "I know." she mumbled.
Then it was quiet for a while.
"Jack, please don't let us hide it anymore." Angelica bet.
"I won't." he answered.
"You know... while listening to you, all the fears and worries in my head, they just disappeared, they are just not there anymore." Angelica explained.
"I'm glad for that." Jack smiled.
"And me too, you can believe me that. Because it was always like, those worries where the only thing why I tried to forget everything, but I just realized that it won't work, even if I try to. And do you know why it won't work?" she asked him.
"Because in reality I don't want to forget it. It's a part of me and my life and I also don't want to end it."
They looked each other deep in the eye and everything around disappeared.

Suddenly they were distracted by a loud scream.
"Captain!" a voice shouted. "Captain!"
Jack and Angelica got up from the bed and hurried on deck.
Outside the stars were still shining and the sky was black. The weather was good again, like it never happened anything.
Thomas was standing at the railing.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" Jack wanted to know.
When he saw them coming, he shouted again. "Captain, you have to see that!"
Jack and Angelica went to the railing too and looked at land. "Can you see that?" Thomas asked.
With much effort they could see the landscape better in the dark. But Angelica realized that this wasn't an ordinary island.
"Hold on a second... This isn't an island." she said. "This isn't land."
"What are you saying?" Jack asked in unbelief.
"This is a rocks sea." Angelica knew. "Those are many big rocks laying in the water and they are reaching until under the sea. This is... this is the core of the ocean." she was surprised about her own words.
The Black Pearl approached it more and more and the sight got clearer.
"Yes... this is it."
"Are you sure?" Jack asked.
"Jack! This is the core of the ocean!" Angelica laughed. "We got it!"
"We got it..." he repeated. "We got it!" he screamed then and hugged Angelica.
"We got it?!" Thomas couldn't believe.
The rest of the crew came on deck, because they heard them screaming around.
"What happened?" Philip asked.
Angelica came over to him. "The core of the ocean, look!" she pointed at the rocks sea. "We got it!"
"We got it!" they screamed and Gibbs began to sing and dance on deck.
They were just happy and all they had sacrificed, all that doesn't matter now. Their destination was closer than it ever was before and it just missed one step to complete everything...

They got it!!!🥳🤗🥰
And Jack and Angelica decided to stop hiding their feelings😍
How do you like it?😄

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