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Younghyun and I were still chilling in my apartment before our shift.

"Should we call in?" He said from the floor. "I kinda don't wanna work. Or do anything for that matter."

"We gotta make money somehow, dude." I said, starting to get out of my bed to get ready for work.

He let out a yell and curled up into a ball.

"It's not even hard work, just get up before I kick you." I walked past him to my closest to get my clothes.

"Please kick me. It'll hurt less than having to stand up."

I sighed and stepped into my bathroom to change. I fixed my hair up and splashed water on my face to wake myself up.

I have come to the conclusion that the weekends are long and boring when you have no money. And no money is what I have.

I walked back to my bedroom and threw my clothes in a hamper, only to see Younghyun still lying down.

"Get up!" I kicked him softly. "Our shift is in like, half an hour!" I pulled him up by the arm as he made his body limp and harder to pick up.

I dropped him. "Whatever. I'm leaving in ten minutes, and you can either come with me or get in trouble with Sungjin."

His eyes widened. "Ugh. Fine. I'll be ready in five." He got up and left to his own apartment.

I locked the door and stepped out to the parking lot to my car. Younghyun dragged himself into my car, looking completely exhausted.

"You know, I'm not really digging this routinely life." Younghyun groaned.

"And then? You think there's anything we can do to change that?"

"Maybe there is," he muttered, crossing his arms.

"Younghyun, this is our lives until we graduate. And even after that, once we get real jobs and careers, we're still going to be living in some routine until we die."

"But we should still go do something! We're living in SoCal of all places! There's beaches, L.A. is like, a jog away, there's a freaking Disney Land an hour away, like, we should do something!" Younghyun sighed.

"I mean, maybe. But some of that still requires money, you know, and we don't exactly have a lot of that." I turned off the ignition to my car, as we had arrived to the cafe already.

"But the beach doesn't sound like a bad idea," I said, smiling. Younghyun's eyes lit up. "Hurry up," I said. "Let's get to work."

We walked in and did our thing, clocking in and putting on our uniform's visors and nametags. Work was starting to feel like a second home, even if I was only here to get a paycheck. But I mean, I still liked coming and getting to hang out with Younghyun, and occasionally seeing customers that I liked, like Wonpil and Dowoon. Even Sungjin is cool sometimes, despite him always trying so hard so he can get promoted.

Our shift started at four today, and like usual, we were closing. Sungjin said that when Younghyun and I work at register and drinks, things seem to run more smoothly, so he wants us to be working there most of the time. Which is totally fine by the both of us, for obvious reasons. Usually I do register while Younghyun does drinks, but if he gets tired, then we switch for a bit, and vice versa.

Today was relatively slow. "I wonder why not a lot of people have come in." I said aloud.

Younghyun scoffed. "It's Saturday evening. People are out doing things and enjoying their lives, Y/N, not stoping for a cup of coffee."

The doorbell rang, revealing an ever so familiar face walking into the cafe.

"I guess not all people," I muttered under my breath. "Hey, Jae," I said louder.

"Hi, Y/N," he softly spoke. "I didn't know if you were working or not right now, I was just, in the area and decided to stop by."

"And if I wasn't here? You just would've shown up and left?"

"Well, no, obviously, I would've gotten some coffee. I'm still studying. My test is this week."

I studied his face closer. His skin was so pale, as if he hadn't seen actual sunlight in months, and he had large dark circles under his eyes that were extremely concerning.

"So uh, can I actually get a black coffee?" Jae asked.

Younghyun was pulling out the cup and getting ready to make the drink until I stopped him.

"Jae, under no good conscience, can I sell you this coffee." I said firmly.

"What?" He looked at me genuinely confused.

"Jae. Anyone can take one good look at you and see that you're exhausted. Both physically and mentally. I understand that you're studying for that test, but I think you've gone overboard."


"Jae! Look- I'll help you study. I'll help you do what you need to, and you can come to my apartment and I'll do anything to help you, so much as you promise me that you won't drink another cup of coffee so long as earth is round."

"I mean," he looked at the ground, fumbling with his hands. "I guess I'll take you up on that."

"Okay." I said. "Now go home, get some rest, and I'll text you my address when i can. I'll see you tomorrow then, Jae."

"Bye, Y/N." Jae gave me a soft smile, and walked out the cafe.

"Geez, what was that all about?" Younghyun asked.

"I'm just... concerned." I answered. "And besides, the quicker I can get him to finally get some real rest, the quicker we can finish our communications project."
A/N: well overdue update
if any of y'all read my yk fic i kinda gave a little excuse/explanation there but i am actually going the updating more for once so
chapter 10 soon!

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