C6: Brett- New concertmaster

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The bear masked man Eddy met in the coffee shop has always been around his mind for many days. He was really worried that the LingLing guy wouldn't call him back but he denied his feelings 'I just met him once, there isn't a reason to worry if he doesn't call'. However, he searched for a strange number in his phone 'none' He sighed.

He took from the closet a black sweater, slinging his violin case over his back and leave his apartment. 'Well, first rehearsal with the new concertmaster' he thought.


Brett really had terrible worries. He had a new phone- his second phone against Eddy. 'You are cheating on him, Brett'. He felt guilty 'Maybe he will realize me through my eyes... or my voice?'..'Maybe I should tell him?' He felt stressed. Abdominal pain began to appear in him. He ignored them and took his violin 'I need to practice'

David came with a warm face, he was very delicate to know that Brett had something wrong
-" Brett, good to see you! Are you ok? You look a little.. pale"

-" Hi, I'm good. just.. you know... practiced" he shrugged wearily.

-" Haha.. good for you but don't forget your life" David laughed.

-" Yes, thank you"

-" I'm sure that Eddy will come soon"

'And that why I look like shit now, David..' Brett smiled back.

-" I really look forward to working with him" That true, Eddy is a good violinist and he couldn't deny that he was attracted to this man.

Everyone has stabilized their seats. Eddy appeared from the door and walked over to David. He saw Brett who was preparing his violin. '.. New concertmaster?' He thought.

-" Hello " Eddy smiled brightly, looked all orchestra.

The conductor pulled Brett away, flapped Eddy and introduced " Eddy, this is Brett Yang- new concertmaster. Brett, this is Eddy Chen- Soloist"

-" Hi, coincidentally, I didn't know you are a concertmaster" he said.

-" It's an honor to work with you" Brett's stomach cramped some pain.

He held out his hand politely, the shorter man grabbed them. He felt Brett's tiredness and superficiality. Eddy couldn't understand the strange smile of this man. He was surprised because his hand was very soft and small. Although he looked pale and cold, Brett still cute like the first time they met.

Brett's mind was chaotic. He saw David signal him to smile by pointing at his smile and all the orchestra except Eddy knew the clumsy in his communication style. David knew that when Brett was nervous he would keep his deadface.

'Don't look my eyes, don't look my eyes' he thought.

-" Why ...do you close your eyes?" Eddy asked.

Brett opened his eyes quickly, glanced at Eddy. He pulled his hand back.

-" Sorry, nothing, can we start?" He tried to lower his voice.

-" Yes,.. of course," He thought he had just been glared for a few seconds '..another weird guy'.

Brett completely commanded the orchestra with ease and excellence although this was his first time. Of course, he occasionally glanced at the man in front. Eddy still played brilliantly.

The rehearsal went in a good direction. After that, he quickly put his violin into his case and left. When he closed the door he heard Eddy's call but he ran, went to the parking lot as quickly as possible and rushed home.

Eddy didn't understand what he did wrong or simply that he was still angry with him the last time and became hated. He felt something uncomfortable in his chest and he thought it was because he practiced too much.

-" Don't worry he just shy and nervous, he didn't mean bad" David said.

-" Thank you, I hope so" Eddy thought briefly of the man who had a bear mask.


'I shouldn't do that' Brett tiredly lying down on his bed. He took the new phone, hesitated to look at Eddy's number. He sighed, tossing his phone to his side. A voice came out.

-" Hello?"

He accidentally dialing. His heart almost stopped.

-" Hello?" Eddy's voice for the second time.

-" Hello, Eddy" Brett hurried.

-" Hey!! Are you LingLing?" Eddy's happy voice.

-"Yes, I'm LingLing"


#If there are any grammatical errors, please comment# =u="

Thank you so much!

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