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After I ran down the street for a few seconds - my heels stopped me from running further than fifty meters - I slow down and start walking. Thank god the streets are mostly dark and everyone out is busy so that I can let the tears fall down my cheeks as they go.

Since Matthew's driver drove me here, I have no idea where to go. I don't even know where I am right now.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and can feel that the skin under my eyes is already puffy. Still, I get out my phone and call the first number that comes to my mind.

"Oh my god, tell me everything!", Peter demands, probably expecting me to call him because I just got engaged. The thought of my potential wedding makes me sob again and I cover my mouth so I don't scream into Peter's ear.

"Cass, what happened?", his voice has completely changed. From overly excited to extremely concerned.

"I... he...", perfect, now I can't even form a correct sentence.

"Where are you?", he asks and I hear him putting on his jacket.

"I don't know", I cry and my legs just can't hold me anymore. I sit down on the cold pavement and screw my eyes shut. Maybe that will stop the tears from falling.

"Okay, end the call and send me your location. I'll come find you", he promises and I do as he told me.

I don't know how long it takes for him to get to me, but I am so damn cold when he finds me that I am shaking.

"Come here", he says, putting his jacket around my shoulders and pulling me into his arms. After a while of me crying into his shoulder, he pulls me away a little and wipes the tears - and most likely a hell of a lot of mascara - from my cheeks.

"Let's get you home", Peter puts his arm around me and guides me to his apartment. He puts me down on the couch and literally helps me to get out of my stupid heels.

"Thank you", I whisper when he turns out the light and tells me to get some sleep. That's what I love about him: He knows when I just need him to take care of me without having to talk about it.


I wake up to the smell of coffee and for a moment I forget what happened last night. But the blissful state of ignorance ends too soon and I am reminded of the fact that my boyfriend left me last night.

When I open my eyes, Peter is just entering the living room.

"Hey", he says and places a steaming cup on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Thanks", I try to smile at him and sit up.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't really know", I admit. And I really don't. Matthew was supposed to be my future and now he's just my past.

"He's an asshole, if that helps", Peter cracks a small smile and I return it.

"Not really, but that's okay."

"So, will you live with your parents now?"

Oh my god. I can't go back to my own apartment. My life turned into a complete mess in what, like half an hour? Moving back in with my parents is definitely not an option. I can't sleep on Peter's couch forever though, I don't want to bother him. It never came to my mind that only having one friend in this city that isn't connected with Matthew could be this bad.

"I can't live with my parents. They would make me crazy. Besides, they can't know", I tell him and grab the coffee mug.

"Why not?", Peter questions with a frown.

"My mother would die. Like, literally get a heart attack", I say and place the mug back on the table. It's still too hot. "She had Caroline's and my lives planned before we were even on this earth. Good-looking, wealthy and socially acceptable boyfriends that turn into fiancés and finally into husbands. Two or three children, stay at home mothers... You know the drill", I count with my fingers to prove a point.

"I already messed up the staying at home thing. She knew when I applied for my job that I would never give it up for any guy. But Ma... him", I clear my throat to cover that I am not able to speak his name without crying. "He was the silver lining in my life, at least from Mom's perspective. He equalled out every mistake I made during my teenage years. I once dated a mechanic, you know", I roll my eyes.

"Wow", Peter comments and laughs. "Your mom seems to be a load."

"Yea, I'm used to it", I shrug. "But you see, I can't tell her. Not this close to Caroline's wedding. We want a relaxed Mom, not a stressed out Mom for that day, trust me."

"Okay, but where will you... wait", Peter looks at me and a mischievous grin spreads across his face.

"What?", I ask, irritated.

"You'll come with us!", he practically yells and jumps up from the couch.

"What?", I repeat, not following his thoughts.

"You just come with us to the Hamptons!", he explains, already sitting next to me again and grabbing my wrists. "You will love it! And it will distract you from your misery."

"Is it that bad?", I sigh.

"Oh honey, you have no idea. But we'll just remove every mirror in the house so you won't see", he stands up again and leaves the room. "I'll call Sarah, you go shower because we have to leave soon", he yells back and with that, I am left alone with my coffee, which is ready to be drunk.

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