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The day goes by way too slowly. I mostly sit on the comfortable bench on the back porch, facing the beautiful sea and reading some book I found in the living room.

At 2pm, Sarah brings me a sandwich, telling me about the people she met last night that she has known for several years now because they all spend their summers here every year as well.

At 8pm I have fallen asleep, dreaming about Matthew and I cooking together in our apartment. I wonder if his parents still came to visit and if they told him they never liked me anyway.

"Hey, Cass, wake up", Peter gently shakes my shoulder and I open one eye to see why he's bothering me. "Get ready, honey. We'll get you some dinner and drinks."

I growl at him, a frown spreading across my forehead. "I don't want to. You can go alone", I say and smile at him to reassure him that I am a-okay.

"No, you'll come with us", he suddenly grabs my arm and heaves me up so that I get dizzy from getting up too fast. "No excuses. I can't sit by and see you pitying yourself! It kills the mood", he nudges my shoulder with his and smiles at me so that I know he's just kidding.

"Uhhhh, do I have to?", I groan and he basically jumps up, yanking me up with him.

"Yes, you do!", he exclaims, leading me inside.

It takes him and Sarah half an hour to transform me into a human being. Sarah is in charge of make-up and Peter chooses my outfit.

"I will never ever wear that", I point at the way too tight dress with the way too deep neckline.

"You will look gorgeous, Cassie!", Peter reaches over and pulls me from the bed. "Put it on", he demands and sighing, I go behind the room-divider to change into the dress.


When they said they would take me out for dinner, I didn't expect them to bring Luke.

"Wow, you look hot", he states when he sees me and I roll my eyes.

"Let her be!", Sarah warns him and Luke holds up his hands in surrender.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect Miss Prudish to have such exquisite taste in clothing", he winks at me and I feel my cheeks getting warm. What the hell? My body acts like a fifteen year old.

"Can I have the menu, please?", I direct my question at Peter and he gives me the sticky piece of laminated paper. The place doesn't have much on the menu so I pick fries and a coke.

While we eat, I mostly stay silent and try to follow the siblings' conversation, desperately trying to ignore Luke's cocky remarks about me being naked. He doesn't have any kind of manners really.

When we finished, Peter generously pays although I try to stop him. "Thank you", I smile at him and he puts an arm around me to squeeze me. "No problem. I want you to smile again!", he says, "a real one", he adds, talking about the fake ones I have been giving the whole evening.

"So!", he states, letting me go and jumping up and down. "Cocktails anybody?"


We settled in a club called Monster. I honestly expected to be shown some posh clubs and cocktail bars but I was wrong. Monster is full of people in tight, ripped jeans and leather jackets who are drinking, sweating and - most of the time - making out. It is a party nightmare.

"Here, take this", Sarah shoves a drink in my hand which I identify as a caipirinha. Although I'm not really a fan of drinking anymore, I welcome the ice cold drink in this hot sauna.

Two caipirinhas and three tequila shots later, I actually feel good. Yes, I am still sad about Matthew leaving me, but I am able to push the thoughts back to the black hole in my brain. Peter was right. I had to leave the back porch and go out. Have fun.

"I don't remember when was the last I had so much fun!", I yell at Luke, while jumping with the other dancers to a "song" I haven't heard before. Maybe in college but I don't care at the moment.

Luke just laughs, probably thinking that I never had fun before. Huh, if he only knew. I might seem prudish to him but I can be fun if I want to.

"Yea, I can see that!", he screams in my ear and I realize that I said my thought out loud (again).

Somehow, I have lost sense of time and normally, it would scare me. But it doesn't tonight. I don't know where Peter or Sarah are but I am not scared. I don't know what happened to college-Cassie. She grew older but she also lost herself. I was a confident woman, living my life, partying, having fun. Now, at 27, I am insecure and acting like a mom the whole time. Telling other people drinking isn't good for them. Lifting an eyebrow when I see women in short skirts. Going to vine tastings, complaining about the free snacks. I don't like that new Cassie. I want old Cassie back.

"Everything okay?", Luke looks at me concerned and I realize that I stopped dancing.

I look up at him, tilting my head a little. He put his hair up in a bun but that doesn't keep him from sweating. His black silk blouse sticks to his body and I suddenly think he's very, very hot. And before I think about it twice, I get up on my tiptoes, kissing him passionately.

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