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Apparently, my opinion on things is of no importance in the house of the Wakefields. I tried to protest against me crashing their vacation but Peter and Sarah both didn't take No for an answer.

Now I find myself sitting in Sarah's old and rusty car, listening to the two siblings bickering. I don't really know what to expect but I don't care either. I guess I will just spend the days running, laying around and reading. I don't feel in the mood to spend time in public.

"Hey, you want some?", Sarah holds back a tupperware full of grapes.

"No, thanks", I reply.

"You will like it there, Cass, I promise", she says. "We can go out tonight if you want to?"

"Oh, I don't really feel like it, but thanks."

"Cassie", she turns around. "You need to go out there! Get yourself a guy who will make you forget about that dickhead", Sarah winks at me and Peter swats her arm.

"Sarah, stop it. She got her heart broken - yesterday! So let her be. You can have fun on your own."

"It's fine, really", I try to interrupt but they don't even hear me. I lean agains the window and try to sleep while Peter and Sarah discuss if casual sex helps you to get over something. Well, maybe it does for some people, but definitely not for me.


When I say the house is huge, that would be an understatement. This is not even a house, it's a full on mansion! With a circle parking lot with a fountain in the middle and numerous boxtrees that are all shaped and styled to perfection. I take a deep breath because I may just forgot to inhale.

"Welcome to your new home - for four weeks at least", Sarah laughs and puts her arm around my shoulders. "Wait 'till you see the pools", she whispers and lets go of me to get her bags inside.

"Pools?", I suddenly remark. "As in plural?" But Sarah and Peter already disappeared inside.

I follow behind them and take in the huge entry hall. This kind of feels like a movie. Sarah is carrying her bags upstairs and I realize that I didn't bring any.

"I forgot my stuff", I tell Peter who joins me and just started to make sarcastic remarks towards his sister.

"I wouldn't have let you go near that apartment, honey. You can borrow Sarah's stuff", he decides and I follow him into the kitchen.

It follows an open concept so that you can see the massive wooden dining table and the outrageous view through a window front.

"Wow, it's right at the beach", I whisper and can't move my eyes away from the blue water right outside.

"Yea, and it's kind of our beach. I mean, the part in front of the house belongs to my father because it's part of the property", Peter explains and hands me a water bottle.

"I never knew you were that rich", I tell him and shake my head.

"I am not, my father is", he reminds me and I smile. He's right and I really like that he sees it this way.

"Want to go grab something to eat when Sarah is ready? We kind of dawdled the whole time and there was so much traffic so I can only offer you dinner."

"No, thanks. I think I'll just stay here and enjoy the view", I tell him and smile.

"Okay", he hugs me and we stay like this for a few moments.

"Thank you", I say and smile up to him. "You're the best friend I ever had."

"Yea, I am pretty cool", he shrugs and we both grin.

"Not as cool as your hot ass sister, but almost", Sarah chimes in with her hands on her hips. "Let's go, I'm hangry."

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