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I don't want to go downstairs

I still can't believe that Peter "forgot" to mention that his brother lives here. I could've thought he was a housebreaker and hit him with a pan - or something less brutal.

Sighing, I brush my wet hair and put on the leggings and top that I grabbed from the closet earlier. When I enter the hall, I smell Chinese takeout food. My stomach grumbles and I put a hand on top of it to silence it.

"You hungry?", Luke asks me with his mouth full, when I step into the living room.

"No", I lie but am betrayed by my growling stomach.

"Yea, I can hear that", he grins and holds out his hand that is holding a box full of fried noodles. "Come on, take it. I bought too much anyway", he comments and I take the box from him.

While I start eating, Luke apparently decides to tell me the story of his life.

"I always buy too much stuff when I'm hungry. I guess I somehow inherited this habit from my grandmother. She always used to have tons of provisions in her cellar. You know, typical old person", he stuffs his mouth with noodles and I bathe in the welcomed silence.

"You're not very chatty, are you?", he looks at me curiously.

"I am not in the best mood", I tell him. I do feel kind of bad for being rude. After all, he gave me something to eat. But I don't feel like talking, especially to a guy. All I want is to go back to my old life, my old apartment and my old boyfriend. But sadly, that's all it is. Old.

"Who's old?", Luke seems confused.

Why the hell do I keep thinking out loud?

"Uh, I'm sorry. I should really go to bed", I put down the takeout box and get up.

"No, wait", Luke says. "I didn't mean to scare you off. Come back", he points at the couch. "I'll shut up, promise."

Hesitantly, I sit back down and watch as Luke turns on the outrageously huge TV that is hanging on the wall. He chooses some sports game and we both act as if we are watching. I don't know what Luke is thinking about but I am wondering if Matthew watches this game as well.


I am woken up by someone giggling like they drank way too much alcohol. When I open my eyes, I see Peter stumbling through the living room and - someone - following behind him.

"Ew, get a room!", Luke whines and I see that he just woke up as well.

Peter and his company couldn't care less about Luke's request but at least they make their way up the stairs and a few seconds later, we hear a door shut. For a moment, Luke and I just stare at each other.

"Well, not what I expected from our family reunion", Luke laughs and I smile uncomfortably. I really thought this getaway would help me relax and maybe forget that my heart got broken into at least a million little pieces.

Instead, I fall asleep on a (very comfortable) couch with a stranger who's wearing skinny jeans and has no eating manners, while my best friend is out having sex with random guys and my only girl-friend in the world is nowhere to be found. My life went from all good to all bad in like, three seconds. It's as if I am in my first semester in college again. And I hate it.

I feel tears pooling up in the corner of my eyes and the last thing I need right now is Luke making fun of me. So I get up as fast as I can and make my way back to "my" bedroom. Luckily, Peter's bedroom is so far away that I don't have to hear whatever is going on over there.


The next morning, I wake up to the sun peeking through my window. I yawn and look at my phone to see that it is 10 am. When I see that I have a message, my heart begins to race. But I quickly realize that it is just Caroline who wants to know something about the seating arrangements at her wedding. Sighing, I put my phone down. He doesn't even check on me.

I am still wearing the outfit I threw on last night, so I go downstairs and into the kitchen without looking in the mirror once. Why would I care anyway? I was always mindful of my outer appearance and it got me nowhere else than single-land.

"Good morning princess!", Peter greets me, coffee in hand and a huge smile on his face.

"Hey", I say and walk over to the cabinets to get a mug.

"You're pouty", he whispers and squeezes my hip. "I am sorry about Luke, I really am!", he assures me. "I just didn't think you would come if I mentioned him."

"Why wouldn't I?", I furrow my brows.

"Because he...", Peter shrugs. "He's not the type of person you get along with I guess."

"How would I know, you never mentioned him", I try not to sound too reproachful but I fail.

"Yea, I'm sorry. Honestly, I thought you might end our friendship if you knew about him", he explains, looking down at his feet like a schoolboy.

"Peter", I laugh. "Why would I do that?"

"I don't know", he says and I know he is lying. Do I seem that judgmental? Okay, maybe I am judgmental. But my friendship with Peter has nothing to do with his weird brother.

"Do you forgive me for not telling you?", he looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Of course I forgive you. I...", I am interrupted by a girl walking into the kitchen. A girl wearing boxers and an oversized shirt which is definitely not hers.

"Good morning", she flutes and points to the coffeepot that I am somehow still holding.

"You done with this?"

I just nod and give her the pot.

"Thanks, sweetie", she says while filling two cups and leaving the kitchen.

"Wait, what?", my mind is still trying to process what just happened. Peter is gay but Sarah isn't, right? She's always talking about that hot, male coworker of hers.

"Don't tell me you didn't hear them", Peter looks at me, one eyebrow almost up to his hairline.

"Hear who?"

"Luke and that chick", he points to the hallway where the girl disappeared into.

"Oh my...", my mouth stays open and Peter laughs at my shocked expression. I am wondering though: did I accidentally end up in a brothel?

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