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Sarah prepared breakfast for us on the back porch and she exceeded all my expectations at a great breakfast table.

"Pancake?", she asks and plants a great smelling, perfectly round pancake on my plate.

"Thanks", I say and smile at her. "I didn't know you are such a great cook."

"Oh, runs in the family", she laughs and gestures at the pancake. "Indulge!"

She serves Peter and Luke and they start a conversation about what to put in pancake batter. While they discuss vanilla extract, I can't help but stare at Luke. I can't believe this happened. And how could I forget about it? No wonder why he questioned me about that night. He probably wanted to make sure I forgot about it. He's talking to Sarah at the moment and I catch myself staring at his lips. Why is he talking in slow motion?

Okay, he probably doesn't, I am just making this up. I remember seeing him for the first time, thinking he looked absolutely ridiculous with his weird long, curly hair and his female clothing. I mean, he paints his nails for god's sake. But now I find myself thinking he's kind of... attractive.

STOP, Cassie. What the hell are you thinking? This guy isn't even nice to you. Yes, you slept with him, but that doesn't mean you have to romanticize him. I once read that women tend to grow feelings for men they sleep with. Although one might not believe it, I did have a few one night stands in college - before Matthew of course - and I never developed feelings for any of them. And I don't do so now as well. I am just confused because of the break up situation.

"Earth to Cassie", Peter is waving his hand in front of my face, breaking my thoughts.

"Huh?", I ask, probably looking really stupid right now.

"I asked if you're not hungry", he asks, a concerned look on his face.

He probably thinks I still feel sick because of the break up.

"Oh, no!", I say and cut off a piece of the pancake. "I was just lost in thought", I explain and start to eat.


"Hey", Peter stands in the frame of my bedroom door. "Can I come in?"

I nod and instantly panic. Does he know? He seems to be super informed about the people his siblings bring home.

"I know the break up is really hard on you and you don't feel good. That's why I brought you here, but..."

Oh god. He's going to tell me to stop sleeping with his brother. It was only this once Peter, I won't do it again. Please don't hate me!

"I just wanted to let you know, if you want to talk about it, you can always come to me. Just because this is my vacation and I always suggest going out doesn't mean that you can't cry on my shoulder", he explains and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Peter", I say and put a hand on his. "I really appreciate that."

He smiles at me. I like the quirky Peter that always promotes fun, but I really enjoy the company of sympathetic Peter as well.

"We can still go out, right?", he asks after a few moments of silence.

"Yes, of course", I laugh. "But maybe I shouldn't drink that much again", I add what makes him laugh too.

"But you were fun! I mean, you're fun when you're sober, too", he quickly adds. "But I like your carefree side."

I don't know if I can agree to that and make a mental note not to get too drunk next time.


I let Sarah show me the shopping mile that day. I could never afford any of the stores but it's interesting to observe the people that do.

"Lets get some pizza", Sarah suggests when we come across a small restaurant in between the clothing stores. I agree and we enter the building, where a tiny bell informs the workers about our entrance.

The place is small with five tables and a short counter but it's decorated very pretty.

"It smells fantastic in here!", I comment.

"Well, thanks", a male voice says and I spin my head around, surprised about the voice coming from behind the bar.

"Luke?", I didn't expect him to be a server. Actually, I didn't have any idea what his profession could be. But definitely not a server at a restaurant, he's far too mean for that.

"Don't act that surprised, Cassie. Yes, I do work", he shakes his head and I roll my eyes.

"I know that", I say very uncreative.

"What can I get you two?", he looks at Sarah.

We order our food and Luke disappears into the kitchen. He also cooks? Thats what Sarah meant when she said cooking lays in the family.

"I love it here, its so normal compared to the craziness outside", Sarah says when we sat down at a table by the window.

"But how can they afford the space?", I ask. "It must be very expensive"

"Yea, well", Sarah shrugs. "Best pizza in town"

And she wasn't exaggerating. I never had a better pizza before, not even the one my dad cooked himself. But I will never tell him that of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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