Oh shit... - Chapter 8

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As I reached the bottom floor I received a text from Bang Pd himself.

Hello Arin, hope everything went well with the boys last night, I also hope you got plenty of sleep you've got a busy couple of days ahead of you if you need anything let me know.
                                         -Hitman Bang

No Bang It didn't go well with the boys and no I didn't sleep well at all, I couldn't possibly answer that though so I messaged back with.

Hello Sir, Yeah I think we'll be friends in no time and I slept fine if I need anything I'll be sure t-

I was typing as I was walking out the building and wasn't paying attention when I bumped into something hard dropping my phone on the hard concrete ground. Looking up I found myself staring into my brother Marks eyes, he looked pissed that I'd walked into him "oh shit" I stated under my breath suddenly Shin my other brother appeared from behind him and bent to pick up my phone looking at the message I was writing as he rose again. "Awwww Mark our little brothers making friends with his new playmates" shin smirked waving my phone in front of my face I went to reach for it but was stopped when he lifted it high above his head.

"Come on Shin I've got to get to work, mother wanted me to do this now let me do it" I sighed looking at the ground dejected Mark and Shin where huge, their father had been one of the biggest mafia bosses in Korea, my mother being his wife was left his empire when he "died" and two very young twin boys, they were her lapdogs doing her dirty work since they were fifteen so at this point at the age of twenty eight they were well accustomed to the whole beat the shit out of everyone and anyone thing.

"Now Arin I do believe that was answering back wasn't it" Mark lowered himself until he was loooking me in the face I could feel his breath on me it smelt like cigarettes and coffee I tried not to show my disgust "do that again and I'll smash your face in regardless of mothers orders understand me shit head?" I nodded my head looking down pathetically at the ground "I CANT HEAR YOU" he shouted directly into my ear.

"Yes mark" I said clearly still looking down better not piss them off anymore.

"You should be grateful brother we've come to pick you up for your big first day isn't that nice of us" Shin sarcastically chirped up as he opened the car door that was parked in front of us, great babysitters I thought. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder as Mark led me into the back of the car forcibly pushing me in when I didn't get in fast enough, honestly could this day get any fucking worse.

Little did I know a pair of eyes had seen my talking with my bothers and following them into the car.

~Hobi POV~

As soon as Arin left I turned around to the guys and looked at them disapprovingly, my hands firmly on my hips, I stared at them each individually making the younger boys all look down, the others however didn't even budge "are you kidding me? What the hell was that for?" I mainly focused my attention on Namjoon and Taehyung looking between them, Tae just shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at Tannie who was struggling to get out of his grasp Namjoon however looked me dead in the eyes unwavering.

"I don't trust him Hobi, not one bit" he stated nonchalantly.

"He's a nice guy if you get to know him Joon, this wasn't his choice remember that he's just doing the best he can, he even cleaned this shit hole up for us without us asking and yet not one of you said thank you for that I'm ashamed of you" getting upset at the behaviour of my brothers I decided it was best for me to leave and go find Arin maybe try and fix things If I could, I grabbed my coat and bag and made my way to the door turning back once more to see them all staring at me "think about what you've done whilst I'm gone" and with that I shut the door behind me and made my way to the lift.

As I reached the bottom floor and went to walk out of the building and saw a familiar face with two not so familiar faces. Arin was stood outside with two massive guys who looked identical. intrigued but not wanting to interrupt I watched inside as the guy closest to Arin lent forward and got in his face, Arin looked actually scared he looked down at the ground as the guy shouted at him, clearly not his security then I thought then they were leading him to the car parked near and Arin got in. What the hell was that? I thought Is he working for someone? Oh god what if Namjoons right and he's using us for fame with another enemy company or something, with the thoughts clouding my mind I moved my mask up to cover my face and pulled my hood up and took a long walk to clear my new thoughts.

God Arin I really hope your a good guy otherwise I'm going to be eating the words I just said about you.

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