Bad day

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(brief implication of past self-harm)

'Rough day?' Remus asked, with a glint of sympathy in his eyes, his voice laced with a soft tone. He had arrived back at the Conscience, after deciding to introduce himself to Thomas in the newest video, to find Deceit curled in a ball on the carpeted floor of their living room. As he looked closer, Remus noticed that there were glimmering tear stains running down Deceit's cheeks.

'No.' Deceit plainly lied, his voice shaky and timid. These days didn't happen often; it was usually Remus sobbing to Deceit about his insecurities, or anger towards his brother. Remus sighed.

'Alright then,' he began, his voice slow and deliberate, acting serious, 'I guess that you leave me no choice than to begin "Operation Bad Day".'

Before Deceit could question it, Remus had lifted him up like a koala, with his arms around his neck, and legs around his torso. Remus carried him into the snake's room, while brushing a few of the remaining tears away with his thumb.

Setting Deceit on the bed, Remus threw a soft, plush blanket over him, and passed him a remote. 'Okay, so. You choose something to watch on Netflix, and I'll go make some popcorn, that kind that you like.' Just as Remus was leaving, he called out over his shoulder, 'And get changed into some pyjamas! I plan to stay the night with you.'

Deceit laughed under his breath, before pulling the blanket off and walking to his wardrobe, picking out a yellow plaid shirt which was three sizes too big, and a pair of thick pyjama trousers; Thomas had eaten an ice cream earlier that day, so the Mindpalace and the Conscience would be colder than usual that night. He also changed the bandages on his arms, his eyes lingering on the many faded scars. Remus continuously made sure that he wore the bandages, even if he didn't need them anymore. Not that Deceit minded at all.

Deceit lay underneath the blanket on his bed, scrolling mindlessly through the Netflix recommendations, thinking about Remus. He loved how he was the only one to see this side of the duke - the sweet, caring side, who showed his insecurities, and who didn't hide behind a mask of humour. Deceit knew all too well about hiding emotions, and Remus had really helped him out of a dark place.

Hearing a familiar knock on his bedroom door,  Deceit smiled fondly and told Remus that he was allowed in. The duke shuffled in, shutting the door gently behind himself, careful not to drop the bowl of popcorn that he was holding. Laying next to Deceit, he set the bowl in between them and watched the screen patiently as the clicker landed on a random cooking show, and Deceit selected it.

Perhaps there was a 'happily ever after' for them.

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