The beginning

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It has been 6 months since the uglies and pretties came together to live in harmony and Lou was defeated. All the dolls in Imperfection finally had there own child to love and every doll was happy. As usual Moxy was delivering newspapers for all the dolls and was looking forward to meet up with her friends, until the alarm for a new arrival was coming. All the dolls ran to the big flower excited to meet the new ugly or pretty doll.
Ox-New doll, coming in hot. Get ready everyone!!!
Shouted Ox and everyone started to count down.
"3...2...1!!!" then a purple bunny ugly doll flew out of the tunnel screaming and landed in a pit of soft pillows. The dolls cheered and Ox went out towards the new arrival.
Ox-Welcome to Imperfection friend. What's your name?
He asked friendly.
The doll looked confused and a little weird out, but she shyly answered.
Molly- M-Molly?
Ox-Great, that's a really nice name.
That made Molly blush a little bit.
Ox-Everyone, let's show our new neighbor a tour.
The dolls happily excepted and showed the new doll around the Imperfection. As Molly was walking through the beautiful town, she was mesmerized as she saw all the colors, laughter, slides and more. She couldn't have been more happy then she is right now. In the evening the uglies and pretties came together to have dinner and Molly joined as well.
Molly-Thank you so much for showing me around mayor Ox. It really is a magical place here.
She said with a smile on her face.
Ox-Please, just Ox and of course, we're really happy to have new arrivals. Our town is great, but there's something much better then this town.
Molly looked curious.
Molly-Really? What?
Ox then pointed at the portal.
Ox- See that portal over there? That portal is the way to the Big World where you can have your own child to love you.
Molly eyes were filled with happiness and she really wanted to have her own child, but she decided to explore the town first. Whild everyone were having a good time, Molly suddenly heared two dolls whispering and talking trash about a doll name "Lou". Without thinking she asked.
Molly-Uh excuse me, sorry for interrupting your conversations, but...who's Lou?
She asked a little louder and suddenly every dolls turned towards her in shock that made Molly uncomfortable.
Molly- Wha-what did I say?
She asked confused and a little scared of everyone looking at her.
Moxy-Um...we don't really like talking about him.
She answered with a fake smile and little uncomfortable.
Molly- Oh...I'm sorry. It's just that...who is he anyway?
She asked again. Some dolls didn't want to talk about him, some dolls just talked trash about him with anger, like "HE'S A LIAR!!!" or "FAKE DOLL!!!" or "SELF CENTERED JERK" or "HE'S A VILLAIN" and ect. Ox then told everyone to calm down and go home, cause it's night time. Before Molly could leave, she decided to ask Ox for details about Lou.
Molly- Ox, I'm sorry that I caused trouble at dinner, it's just that...curiosity got to me.
She explained with her head down.
Ox- No no, it's ok Molly. I completely understand, but let's not talk about Lou again. He's kinda a bad memory for all of us.
Molly frowned, but understood. She nodded, said her goodbyes and went home. When Molly entered her new house, she jumped on her bed to get sleep, but for some reason...she couldn't. Her mind was elsewhere, something was keeping her mind up and that something was Lou. For some reason it made Molly think, why the dolls hate this Lou guy so much? Did he do something bad? It was weird for Molly. She didn't know the guy and yet, he was keeping her up. In few minutes, she finally cleared her head and fell a sleep.
It has been two weeks, Molly made a lot of friends, explored the town and finally got her child. She truly believed that her life couldn't get any better then this, but at night her mind was always thinking about Lou, that she became even more curious.
It was a sunny day and Molly was visiting Imperfection at the time since her child went on a week camping trip and accidentally forgot to take Molly with her. Molly was sitting under a tree and thinking about Lou...again. Is he really bad? Or is this all just a big misunderstanding? The questions were still unanswered. She wanted more information about him, but the dolls won't talk about him. Then an idea popped in her head, she decided to try to find Lou and try and befriend him. But the dolls will probably won't be happy about it, so she decided to do it in secret and on her own. To start her search for Lou, Molly knew that he wasn't in Imperfection, cause she knew everyone. While Molly was thinking, she saw Moxy walking around happily. Molly thought for asking her a question that will give her a little information of where Lou can be.
Molly-Hey Moxy
She waved with a smile.
Moxy-Oh hi Molly, what's up?
She waved back.
Molly-Oh nothing much (nervously laughing). Say um...Moxy. I've explored this town and let me tell ya, it is truly AMAZING!!!
Moxy-I know, right?
They both laughed.
Molly-So...was this town always like this? With uglies and pretties living together?
Moxy-Actually no, before this town was called Uglyville where only the uglies like us lived here and the pretties came from a different place called the Institute of Perfection. It's right inside that big flower that leads you to tunnel that you can follow.
Molly-Wow, I never knew.
Moxy-Yeah, but now the pretties are living with us, cause they finally realized that being perfect is not everything and that you shouldn't be ashamed of being yourself.
Molly-Gosh, how interesting.
She said happy.
Moxy smiled
Moxy-Well, I better go. I need to meet up with Mandy. See you later Molly.
They both waved each other goodbye.
Molly-*institute of perfection, huh?*
She thought to herself. With that small information, she guessed where Lou could be. She couldn't understand what she was doing, but her curiosity is stronger then her own will. So Molly arrived at the giant flower where she first came to Imperfection. For now she just wanted to see if he's still at the institute to make sure. Luckily no one was around to witness her, so she climbed up the cliff and entered the tunnel inside the flower. And this is the beginning of Molly's journey and she doesn't know what waiting for her.

 And this is the beginning of Molly's journey and she doesn't know what waiting for her

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Uglydolls-Lou x oc "foes to friends and more"Where stories live. Discover now