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(Warning: ok, this chapter is pretty long and it took time to write it and decided where to stop. Anyway, I hope you enjoy)

A lot of time has passed since the friendship between Lou and Molly has began. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and Molly was still visiting Lou nonstop. That's right, she was visiting him every day like she promised. When her child falls asleep, Molly would always come back to her home town Imperfection and go straight to the Institute to see Lou. Sure, Molly does spend her time with her friends in Imperfection too, but most of her time she would spend it with Lou. She would help him with his cleaning duties, talk with him about different topics, even telling funny jokes and stories that always made Lou laugh. Molly loved it, she loved seeing Lou smile or laugh. It always made her heart filled with warmth and joy. She still didn't know/understand why the dolls hate him so much, but in her eyes he's a good guy. And as for Lou, he didn't like Molly in the beginning, but slowly he started to warm up to her. Sure he hates the ugly dolls for ruining his life and taking away his people, his fame and everything else and they hate him, but Molly was the first ugly dolls that actually cares about him. But Lou was sometimes having doubts about her. Does Molly really care about him? Would she still care about him, if he'll tell her about what happened between him and the uglies? Would she still care if he tells her about what a horrible person he is? He didn't know. But he that Molly came into his life. It was a new and a weird feeling for him, for being glade by being friends with a ugly doll. He hasn't felt that way since Ox came to the Institute years ago. Lou will not admit it, but somewhere deep down inside of his cold, cold heart, he hoped that Molly will not leave him, just like the others.

It was another beautiful day in Imperfection. The sun was up, the birds are chirping and everybody were outside, including Molly. She was at the store to buy some delicious, juicy fruits for Lou. Then out of no where, Molly heard someone calling her name.


Molly turned around and saw a pretty doll with blond hair and purple eyes, running towards her and waving her hello and Molly waved back.

Molly—Oh hi Dian, how are you doing?

Molly asked with a small smile.

Dian—Oh my going great, thanks. Say, can I ask you something?

Molly—Sure, what is it?

Dian—Well, I know that it's none of my business, but I'm kinda starting to get a little suspicious of you.

Molly looked scared and shocked with her wide eyes. She started panicking inside her head, she was thinking that maybe Dian knew that she was visiting Lou for the past few months? Molly didn't know, but she tried to keep her cool and asked.

Molly—Suspicious? Of m-me? What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything suspicious.

She said trying to sound as innocent as possible, with a little nervous laugh at the end.

Dian—Well, it's just've been disappearing a lot. When you come back here from the Big World, you always suddenly disappear. You're friends don't see you that often. What have you been up to, Molly?

She asked with a serious and a little sadistic tone in her voice at the end, that creeped the buttons out of Molly. She could feel the color was drooling out of her face, she was sweating nonstop. She didn't know what to say.


Dian—Are you hiding something, Molly?

She asked a little sadisticly again and without thinking, Molly yelled at her in a panicking way.

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