Final Battle

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Dian then pulled the needle out from Lou's chest and the stuffing was coming out of him. Lou growled in pain and couldn't stand on his legs any longer, so he just fell to the ground.

Molly—Lou, NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Molly screamed with tears in her eyes and ran to him. All uglies and pretties gasped in shock for witnessing of what just happened. Looks like Molly was right, Lou really has changed for the better. Molly ran towards Lou and started holding him in her arms.

Molly—Oh no nonononono, Lou?

Lou—*cough* *cough*...

Molly—No...LOOK AT ME!!! Look at me, see I'm right here. No no no please, stay with me Lou!!!

Molly pleaded with all her heart, hoping and prying that Lou will not die, while crying.

Molly—Why...? Why did you do that Lou...?

Said Molly looking at Lou with tears in her eyes that were falling down her cheeks. Lou looked at Molly's tearing eyes and putted his right hand to her cheek.

Lou—I...I couldn't just...let her stab...the only doll...who cared...and...who ever me...

Said Lou with a very weak tone in his voice and smiled warmly at Molly. Molly couldn't believe what he just said, but those word made Molly cry even more. But when Molly heard Dian's evil chuckle from behind, she immediately stopped crying. Molly's sadness turned into rage and her eyes were filled with fire and angry.

Molly—You...YOU STABBED HIM!!!!!

She yelled at Dian with so much anger, not facing her.

Dian—Awww how tragic~. (evil laugh) What are you gonna do about it, you sorry excuse of a doll?

Said Dian sadisticly and a creepy smile. Molly then started breathing heavily with anger.

Molly—Taking over my hometown was one thing...but THIS???!!!...GRROOAARRR!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!

She roared and yelled at Dian with so much rage and anger and with fire in her eyes. Before Dian could respond, Molly took the needle that Lou was holding earlier and with it, she attacked Dian, like a while animal. Yes, she turned out of an innocent, harmless, friendly bunny, into a savage, angry beast (not literally) and she looked like she was ready to kill...
Molly was fighting Dian and she fought back. After witnessing her close friend being stabbed, she wouldn't stop hitting her. This was the first time that Molly didn't show any mercy. She hit her on the stomach, on the head on the legs, on the face, you name it.

Lou growled in pain, while the wound was big and he could feel the staffing coming out of his body

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Lou growled in pain, while the wound was big and he could feel the staffing coming out of his body. He turned to his right and looked at the dolls fighting the robots, then he turned to his left and looked at Molly, who was fighting Dian. Lou felt like he failed her, that he can't help Molly save her home. He felt so useless, he felt like he couldn't do anything to stop this disaster. Lou was breathing heavily, he felt like he's about to die in any moment. But then he saw the controlling device and he finally knew and he had to do. He had to find the right button to free the robots out of Dians control. That way, the fight would be over and Dian will be taken away. Lou felt really weak, but he had to do it, so he started using his last energy, slowly got up on his wear feet and started slowly walking towards the device, while holding his wounded spot and coughing on the way. While, Lou was still walking weakly, he noticed that one of that robots were going towards him to beat him up to death, but it was pushed away by Ox. Ox knew what Lou was planing to do, so he decided to keep the robot out of Lous way, so he could snap the robots out of it. While the robot was fight Ox, he shouted:

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