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No matter how hard Seokjin could think, he didn't find a single reason to justify Namjoon being called ugly.
He didn't understand it.
Namjoon was beautiful in every way.
The dimples that appeared when he smiled, his laugh, his jawline...everything was beautiful about him.
So when Seokjin asked, he didn't understand the response he got.
"I don't look like my brother. My parents love Tae. As soon as he was born they started belittling me and getting everyone else in on it because I'm uglier than Taehyung."Namjoon sighed. "It's not Tae's fault..."
Seokjin frowned. "You're not ugly, Namjoon."
"Seokjin, look at me. I'm the ugliest person on this stupid planet."
"No you're not."Seokjin sighed, subconsciously rubbing Namjoon's knuckles calmly with his thumb, holding Namjoon's hand. "Everyone is beautiful, even if they don't know it."
Namjoon sighed and looked down. "That may be true with other people but...not me."
Seokjin frowned. "Namjoon, you're beautiful in your own way. Don't listen to people when they call you ugly, because hey, you've got the best looking guy in this world telling you that you're beautiful. I won't stop telling you this until you accept that you're a beautiful human being."
Namjoon smiled faintly. "You'll give up eventually."
Seokjin shook his head, then got up. "C'mon, beautiful, lets go back to the others."He winked, helping Namjoon up.
Namjoon simply rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, hyung."
The two calmly made their way over to the others and decided not to mention their conversation, just ignoring it and having a nice day with their friends.
Ohh they totally should have mentioned it.

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