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Three hours had passed, and all six were still looking.
Seokjin had been so close to breaking down a few times, and Namjoon had to calm him as quick as possible.
Namjoon was the one to spot Yoongi, who was sitting at the side of the road, sobbing.
The two ran over, and Yoongi was shocked to see them.
"H-Hyung?Namjoon?"He wiped his tears, staring at them in confusion.
Seokjin hugged his brother tightly, breaking dolwn into sobs as he held his brother close, cuddling him to his chest. "N-Never do that again you asshole!"
Yoongi whimpered, but slowly let Seokjin hug him, glancing at Namjoon. "The hell?"
"Hyung, he called me in tears because you were gone..."Namjoon sighed, sitting down beside the twins.
Seokjin eventually let go of Yoongi, only to tackle Namjoon in a hug, thanking him many times with tears soaking Namjoon's shirt.
"Hey, Jin hyung, you don't have to thank me!"Namjoon laughed, letting Seokjin cry. "I know what it's like to almost loose a brother. You're twins, right?"
"It must be a lot worse to loose a twin. But he's safe. He's okay."Namjoon comforted Seokjin by rubbing his back soothingly, letting the male sob into him.
Yoongi felt guilty.
He didn't know he would make anyone worry by trying to run away.
"L-Let the others know we found him."Seokjin whispered quietly, shaking as his tears continued to fall.
Namjoon did as told, and texted the group chat to let the others know that Yoongi was safe.
In a matter of minutes, the four had found the three and were crushing Yoongi into a hug, all equally scared.
Even Taehyung, who barely knew Yoongi, was crying over him.
Seokjin, however, didn't let go of Namjoon, glancing up at him.
How on earth could anyone possibly call him ugly?

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