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Seokjin kissed along Namjoon's neck lightly.
It wasn't sexual or anything, he just felt like doing this.
Yoongi looked up from his laptop, huddled under a blanket. "Hyung quit it. I don't need to see this."
Seokjin rolled his eyes, then smiled. "Next month is Christmas!!"
"Christmas isn't important about next month."Namjoon shrugged. "Not to me. It's Tae's birthday next month."
"Can you believe that we're leaving school next year, Yoon?"Seokjin smiled at Yoongi.
"We could have left on our birthday. Our birthday is in March, Seokjin."
"Salty."Hoseok mumbled. "Do you guys know if you're going to college?"
"Yep!I got an acceptance letter last week."Seokjin smiled.
"I didn't get into the same one..."Yoongi mumbled quietly. "I got accepted into an American university..."He rubbed the back of his neck shyly.
"In America?"Jeongguk smiled. "I'm going over there next year to study dance!"
Yoongi sighed. "I might not go..."
"What?"Hoseok frowned. "Yoongi, you should!"
"I don't wanna leave you're all I have!"
Hoseok hugged his small friend, nuzzling him.
Yoongi gripped onto him. "Even if I don't go...someone found me and wants me to sign a contract to be a producer..."He mumbled softly, nuzzling into Hoseok. "Mmh..."
Hoseok looked concerned. "Hyung?You okay?"
Yoongi just,,,collapsed into Hoseok.
He didn't care at this point, tears welling up in his eyes as he clutched onto Hoseok, hiding his face in his neck.
Hoseok held him close. "Yoongi—babe—calm down. What's wrong?"
Yoongi mumbled something purely incoherent, before whispering to Hoseok. "J-Jus' don't w-wanna leave you..."
Hoseok frowned. "I'm not leaving you Yoongi. Never gonna leave you."
How they all wished Hoseok would keep his promise this time.

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