2. Chance Encounters [Jack Barakat|All Time Low]

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“Karen,” Cady whines, tugging on the sleeve of her slightly taller best friend.

“What?” Karen replies, nearly rolling her eyes at her best friend. First she drags her here to meet a band she isn’t too crazy about and now she’s whining?  

“It was either I take you, or my mom,” Cady says with a grimace, “I know you don’t like All Time Low but just give them a chance. They might surprise you.”

“Fine,” she mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.


“Alright, this next song means a lot to me, so I want to share this moment with all of you. If you know the words, sing along.”

The brunette with the playful smile inhales, looking over the crowd with slightly glazed over eyes.

“Make it a sweet, sweet goodbye, it could be for the last time and it's not right.  "Don't let yourself get in over your head," he said. Alone and far from home we'll find you... Dead, like a candle you burned out;  spill the wax over the spaces left in place of angry words. Scream, to be heard, like you needed any more attention; throw the bottle, break the door, and disappear. Sing me to sleep. I'll see you in my dreams, waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry." Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around. It's like a piece of me is missing. I could have learned so much from you, but what's left now? Don't you realize you shot this family a world of pain? Can't you see there should have been a happy ending we let go? Sing me to sleep. I'll see you in my dreams, waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry." Sing me to sleep, sing me to sleep. Sing me to sleep. Sing me to... Sing me to sleep, you've taken so much with you. I'll see you in my dreams, But left the worst with me. Waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry." I'm sorry, I'm sorry.”

“Well, what did you think?” Cady whispers to Karen as she stands, dumbfounded, watching the band close out the show and walk offstage.

“Holy shit, they’re really good.”

“Told you,” she giggles, “Come on, I’ve got passes to meet the band.”

Karen follows numbly behind her best friend, in shock that she’d ever doubted this band’s talent.

When it’s finally their turn to meet the guys, after everyone else has already passed through, they all nearly freak out.

“Oh my God, Cady!” the brunette singer from earlier exclaims.

“Long time no see, kiddo!” the blonde playing guitar during the last song pipes up. In all the clamor and reunion, Karen feels nervous and out of place, like she’s encroaching upon a private moment.

“Hey!” a man with brown and blonde hair says, marching right up to her.

“Hi,” she replies quietly, looking up at the man who towers over her.

“You’re pretty, what’s your name?” he says with a charming smile and a quiet chuckle.

“Karen,” she says, feeling herself smile as a blush takes over her cheeks, “What’s yours?”

“Jack. Do you like books?”

She nods, her smile growing, “I love reading.”

“Do you want to be a book?”

“Uhh, sure, why?”

“Because I slam my books down on tables and do bad things with them.”

And so, in the most unlikely of places, like a flower in the winter time, a friendship begins; after being spurred on by a single chance encounter. 

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