Chapter 2

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*Mal's POV*
I was pacing in my room feeling more nauseous than I've ever been. Could be that I'm pregnant but, I'm also very nervous to tell Ben the news. Will he still want to be with me? And what will his parents think?! It took me a while to completely earn their respect. When I first met them all they saw in me was Maleficent's daughter; a villain kid. Now, they see me as a future daughter. I don't want to spoil their happiness. I definitely need to tell Ben. That's the first priority!
I leave my room and head to Ben's office where I knew he'd be working. I knock softly and I hear a "Come in!" I hesitate but then open the door slowly walking to his desk. He sees me and practically jumps out of his seat. "Mal!" He runs to me and hugs me tight like we haven't seen each other in years. I smile trying to show him nothing is wrong. He sees right through me. "Hey what's wrong?" I sigh and look at him. "Can we take a walk?" He smiles. "Of course." He takes my hand and we head outside walking towards the enchanted lake. We go to the spot where we had our first date on and sat down. I looked at Ben like how I used to look at my mother when I disobeyed her and let me tell you, it was not wise to cross her. Ben looks at me with the same concerned look Evie had before I told her. I opened my mouth but, his phone rang and he excused himself getting up and answering it. After a second he sounded worried and I looked up wondering who called and what happened. He talked for a few minutes and then looked at me.

"Someone broke into Auradon Prep...they're issuing a code 7 lockdown."


My eyes widen. Who would break into a school?! There's nothing valuable in there. We run back to the castle and make it to the meeting room where Bens parents and Fairy Godmoter are. They look at us with concerned faces. "Thanks for coming quickly," Belle said with a somber expression. "Do they know who did it?" Ben asked. Fairy Godmother shakes her head sadly. "They didn't steal anything, desks were turned over and the drawers looked like they were run through. I memorized all the things in there; they didn't take anything." "It was like...," Bens dad started but I finished," They we're looking for someone." They all look at me and I continue, "Think about it...they didn't take anything if they truly needed something in the school they'd take it. Looking at the evidence...they were looking for someone." They all nod agreeing and Belle says, "Who would they want?" I shrug. "I don't know who..if the people were still on the Isle I'd say a a new villain but, we let them all free so I don't know." "We'll figure it out we always do," Ben says with his optimistic attitude.
        I nod agreeing and my nausea got worse I hold my stomach. Belle looks at me. "Mal are you okay? You look very pale." I nod and excuse myself. I walk out and run to the bathroom and throw up. I throw up for about two minutes as I hear the door open. "Mal are you okay?" I hear Belle's concerned voice. I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet and get up slowly. She comes over to me and feels my head. "Hm you don't seem to have a fever you probably got some type of virus. How about you rest and we will try to find out who broke in." If only she knew what was really is going on inside me. I sigh. "But I want to help." "I know but your health is more important, I'll help you to your room." I nod not really in the mood to argue with my future mother in law. She leads me to my room and helps me in bed. I smile. "Thanks Belle." She smiles," Your welcome and please call me mom." I smile giving her a hug.
   I'm so happy she accepted me and welcomed me in the family. Luckily, I don't have a real virus so I can give her a big hug. She's the mother I always needed in life. She gives me comfort. I lift up and smile laying back down actually feeling really tired. She kisses my head and gets up. "Sweet dreams," she smiles and leaves shutting the door.  I sigh. With all this happening now with the school, how will I tell Ben that I'm pregnant. I just close my eyes planning on thinking about it in the morning.
Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the second chapter!! I had to add some drama to make it harder for Mal to tell him! Please comment I always enjoy reading them!!

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