Chapter 8

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*Mal's POV*

I wake up the next morning in Ben's arms. I smile feeling safe. I knew I should tell the guys what's happening. They know Hook better than anyone in this kingdom and they would know what to do. I'll call them all to meet me in the courtyard. I get up slowly and try not to wake Ben, but of course he always senses when I get up even if i'm on the other side. Ben opens his eyes and brings me back down hugging me making me giggle.

"Where are you going?" he asked smirking. I giggle. " I have to tell the guys about Hook...they know him better than anyone who lives here and maybe together we will find out how to stop him." Ben frowns a little. "Mal aren't you forgetting about something?" I look at him. "You're pregnant remember? If you're planning on fighting then that is completely not happening; you need to stay here safe and sound." "Ben i'm pregnant i'm not glass that you're trying really hard not to break. I'll be fine. You got to trust me."

I hold his hands and smile looking into his eyes. "Trust me." Ben sighs knowing I'm right. "Alright...on one condition. I'm helping." I sigh knowing he won't stop. "Fine...but be careful. You haven't seen this side of Harry before." "He may be a pirate, but I'm part beast." He pretends to roar and does it so loudly where I have to cover his mouth. I giggle laying my head on his chest. He rubs my back and kisses my head.

I get showered and dressed. I put on jeans and a purple shirt. I brushed my hair and let it down, putting it in a half up half down do. I take out my phone to text the guys.

M: Hey guys...can we meet up?
E: Sure M, everything okay?
M: Not really...just let me explain when we meet. Where are you guys?
E: I'm at my cottage, everyone can meet us there.
M: Perfect. See you there.

*Authors POV*

Mal puts her phone in her pocket and goes to Ben telling him where she's going. He gives her a kiss and she walks out going out of the castle towards the cottage.

C: Ugh! we always miss the important conversations.
J: It's okay man. Let's just go to the cottage.

Mal makes it to the cottage and is very out of breath. Maybe from the baby. She looks down and she has a little baby bump. Maybe walking wasn't such a good idea. Mal knocks and Evie opens it immediately to a panting Mal. Evie helps her in and sits her down. "Okay M, what is this about?" Mal sighs and puts her hand on her stomach as if she was protecting it. "Hook, Harry Hook, he's trying to get me to be with him, and he's terrorizing the kingdom." Evie looks concerned and holds her hands. "How do we stop him?"

Mal loved how Evie never asks too many questions. She just knows whenever her best friend is upset, she'll do anything. Carlos and Jay come in. Carlos and Jay are holding a handful of muffins. Evie sighs face palming. "Guys, when one of us texts in the group chat that there is an EMERGENCY you don't stop for muffins!" They put them down. "I'm sorry...we were on our way. It's not our fault they had a bake sale today!" Carlos exclaimed. Jay sighs. "No Carlos Evie is right." He turns to them and says, "I'm sorry we should of came right away. So what's the emergency?" Mal gets up. "Harry Hook terrorizing kingdom. Let's go."

She walks out. Evie, Carlos and Jay look at each other and then follow her. Mal gets a cramp from all the walking and stops holding her side. Evie went up to her and rubs her back. "Did you walk here?" Mal nods. "M! You have a baby inside you! You can't just do that now." "I know but I as in a rush I didn't think." Evie sighs and helps her walk the rest of the way. Ben is meeting them in the courtyard. Ben sees Evie helping Mal and immediately rushes over. "Are you okay?! What happened?!" "Ben calm down I just got a cramp from walking there." "You walked?' But-" "I know! No time! Lets just go!" Ben sighs and they all walk in the castle.

They go to the meeting room where they have the big round table. This is where Ben has negotiations and meetings with other kingdoms. They all sit at it. Mal puts her hands on her growing baby bump and Ben of course sits right next to her along with Carlos, Jay and Evie on the other side of Mal.

"So Hook is terrorizing the kingdom?!" Carlos asked confused and concerned. "I thought he was good once we let down the barrier." Jay said. Mal shrugs. "Clearly, he didn't take being good to heart. He still likes me after all these years." "Well...YOU did break up with him Mal. He was heartbroken." Ben looks at Mal. "You guys dated?" Mal sighs and looks at Ben. "You didn't tell me that..." "Ben..." Mal tried to say but didn't know what words to find. He gets up and walks out. Mal tries to follow him, but Evie stops her. "M...why didn't you tell Ben you and him dated?" Mal sighs. "I don't know....I guess I didn't want to worry him more. If he knew we dated, he'd know that Hook would be more dangerous." "You should have still told him."
"I know." Mal sighs and gets up following Ben.
Hey guys! hope you all like this chapter! i hope you all are still enjoying this story and don't give up on it lol! your comments are always appreciated! i can't believe how well this story is doing! thank you all so much!💗

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