Chapter 14

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It was time for Mal and Ben's honeymoon. They spent the morning packing their bags with everything they need. Mal magic's up a check list. "Okay...we have sunscreen?" Ben holds it up. Mal checks it off. "Swimsuits?" "Yep...we have everything. Please stop worrying this trip is for us and we are going to relax." He smiles going over to her and putting his hands on her shoulders. Mal nods smiling. "I'm sorry...I just want this to be perfect." "And it will be." Ben smiles and kisses her forehead. They finish packing and walk downstairs with their bags. Belle and Adam are down there waiting to see them off. Belle smiles. "You got everything?" "Yep." Ben smiles putting the bags by the door. "Well...have a great time." Belle smiles and hugs Mal. "We will." Mal smiles and hugs Adam before going to the door. Ben hugs his parents goodbye and then they go to the limo. They put the bags in the back and get in the back.

The limo starts moving and Ben and Mal smiling cuddling in the back. "I can't believe we're finally going on our feels like yesterday we just met." Ben smiles and kisses her head. "Just us...a romantic getaway." Mal smiles big and looks up at him. "I can't wait." They make it to a resort a little out of Auradon. They didn't want to be too far away but, far enough for them to have alone time. They get out and pick up their things and walk inside the private resort. Mal looks around and smiles. "This is so nice." Ben nods putting down their suitcases. "It is." Mal smiles and looks around. After they get settled in their room, they go out to walk around.

They walk hand in hand.

"I can't believe we have this place all to ourselves!" Mal says excited. Ben smiles at how happy his wife is. "I knew you deserved the best...and I thought we could have some privacy." Mal smiles. "Definitely...cause I have some plans for us tonight." Ben smirks looking at her. "Oh? Like what?" Mal smirks and pulls him for a kiss. Ben kisses back holding her. Mal lifts up their faces only an inch a part, breathing against each other. "You'll have to find out," Mal whispers. Ben smiles. "Can't wait." Mal smiles and lifts up and they continue to explore the resort.

Back at the castle

"I think we need to call them Evie." Adam says worried sitting next to his wife in the meeting room. Evie shakes her head. "No! We don't need to. It's their honeymoon, they deserve their time away." Belle sighs. "I don't want to bother them either...but this is the job for the king and queen...we don't have power over this anymore." Evie sighs and thinks not wanting to interrupt her best friend and husband on their getaway. "We will handle this...and once they get back we will fill them in." They all nod agreeing.

Back at the resort

Mal and Ben just had dinner. They are laying on a piece of grass cuddled on a blanket gazing at the stars. Mal smiles. "This has been perfect. I never want to leave here." Ben smiles and kisses her head. "It doesn't have to end...we could stay longer." Mal smiles cuddling more into his chest. "I wish we could...but we do have responsibilities." Ben nods and thinks about what could be happening at the castle right now. Mal sighs happily. She can not believe how happy she is. She came from the isle being just a villain kid and now she's married to the son of Belle and Adam and queen of Auradon and the Isle. She would have never believed this would have happened to her. Ben smiles watching her.

"What are you thinking about?" Mal smiles. "Just everything...Ben I'm so lucky to have you." Ben smiles. "I'm the lucky one...I got the coolest and most beautiful girl in the world!" Mal blushes smiling. "Well...maybe we can get to..." Ben smiles. "Let's go." They get up and run to their room eager to share a very special moment together; not knowing what is going on at the castle.
hi guys! i'm so so sorry this took so long i had such bad writers block and wasn't sure what to put. you have no idea how long this has been in my drafts! i hope you enjoy this! thank you all for the comments they will really make me
happy and motivate me to write more! love you all!❤️

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