Chapter 4

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*Mals POV*
I waited for their reactions. They just stared as if we told them we broke up. They were indeed shocked since we weren't planning on having a child so early. I knew they wouldn't be okay with it. "I'm sorry I know we weren't planning on having a child so early, I understand if you don't want me here anymore." Belle's face softens and she pulls me into a hug. "Of course we still want you here. Yes, we weren't planning on you two to have a child this early but, you are getting married. We accept it." Ben and I look at each other smiling. He pulls me into a hug. Ben's dad smiled and put his hands on Belles shoulders. "I agree with Belle, Mal make sure to take extra care now alright?" I nodded and we left to tell Fairy-Godmother. We know how she is. She'll hopefully be in her usually perky self. If not....well she has to know.
We knock on her room and she opens it right away and she's smiling big as if she knows why we're here. Or she just had a big coffee before we got here. She smiles and lets us in. We sit down and I feel a little more confidence telling her since we told Bens parents. I just say it. "Fairy godmother we have some news..." She looks at us smiling big. I don't think she's ever been unhappy. "I'm....pregnant." At first she looked stunned but then she had a big smile on her face and she pulled us into a hug. "Bippity Boppity! I am so happy for you both! First the wedding now this! The kingdom will be overjoyed!!! We need to set the day to announce the news!" "Okay slow down we still need to tell Jay, Carlos dad. That is when I see Ben's face fall. " know we have to." "But he doesn't like me as it is. Once he finds out I got his little girl pregnant, he'll kill me." I sigh. I don't disagree with him. My dad is the god of the underworld! Who knows what he'll do when he find out. "We will tell Jay and Carlos first, and then my dad." Ben nods and we say goodbye to Fairy-Godmother and head to Jay and Carlos' room. I knock and Jay opens. "Hey Mal! What's up!" I smile. "Hey can we come in?" He nods and lets us in closing the door behind us. Carlos is on his bed playing with Dude. Dude looks up and jumps up and down on the bed. "Mal and Ben are here! Mal and Ben are here!" Carlos chuckles. "Calm down buddy we know. Hey guys whats up?" I sigh and just say it. "I'm pregnant." They look at us like we have five heads. They then smile big and hug us. Carlos Jay and I share one big hug and then let Ben in. Dude is jumping up and down in excitement. "Oh my gosh!!!" He squeals. Jay smiles. "Wow! That's great! You guys sure work fast." He smirks as Carlos hits him and chuckles. "We're happy for you both. We're going to be uncles!" I giggle. They made me feel better about the whole thing. Now comes the hardest person to father.
I tell them he's the last one and they looked scared for us. More for Ben. They wished us good luck and I smile thanking them and hugging them one last time before leaving with Ben. I am truly grateful for them. I am so happy all four of us were chosen to come here. We head over to my dads "lair" which is just a little house he found but he likes to call it a lair to sound intimidating. He can be so dramatic.
     I hesitate, my hand about the knock. Ben rubs my shoulder. "Hey, if it makes you feel better he'll most likely just kill me." I give him a look. "Of course, that makes me feel loads better." Ben shrugs and I know he's trying to help but, I really don't want my dad frying Ben to a crisp. Hopefully he's okay with it. I finally knock twice and we hear footsteps and then the door opens. There, standing in the doorway is my father Hades, god of the underworld, smiling at me and then sees Ben and his smile disappears. I smile and hug him. "Hey dad." He hugs back cradling my head and probably giving Ben his death glare." He welcomes us in, surprisingly not leaving Ben outside. We sit down on his couch and Ben made sure to stay far away from him. I looked at my dad and take a deep breathe. "Okay dad....we came here to tell you something."
      He looks at me curiously and if I didn't notice a little nervous. "What is it?" I take a deep breathe and say, "Ben and I...are going to have a baby...." He just looked stunned but, never smiled. He then looks at Ben with the hugest death glare ever and his hair lights up to blue flames. "YOU!" He goes to Ben and looks like he's going to strangle him, but I hold him back. "Dad please! It's okay!" He shakes his head. "Mal you're too young...marriage is one thing I've somewhat accepted that but..a baby no no I can't you can't." I look at him tearing. "I thought you were going to be accepted of us. You would be happy! I'm not a little girl anymore I'm going to be queen. You can't tell me what I can and can't do." He wipes his face and sits down. "I...just missed so much. I knew I should have took you with me when I left your mom. Then, this conversation would have gone way better." I sit next to him and hold his arm. "I wish we had time too, but we're getting it now and I just need you to accept us and accept me." I look at him with my emerald green eyes full of tears  and he looks at me and turns soft wiping my tears and kissing my head. I smile and hug him tightly, him hugging me back. "Thanks dad." "Your welcome. Love you Mali." "I love you too dad." I get up and smile going to Ben and hold onto his arm. "You guys do make a pretty great pair. Just don't take that to heart I will be watching you." My dad said looking at Ben.
      He nods and I can feel his nerves. "I promise sir, I love her with my whole heart." He smiles and we go to the door and we say goodbye one more time before heading out. I take a huge sigh of relief. "Okay we told everyone." "Not everyone." I look at him and he chuckles. "We got to tell the entire kingdom." I laugh little sighing. "Telling my dad was enough for today." He chuckles and nods agreeing putting his arm around me and we head back to the school.
      Somewhere in a part of the forest

*Authors POV*

A figure goes to a cabin in the woods and knocks being let in by this elderly  woman who lets him in shutting the door behind him. They sit down at a round table and you can see many ingredients in all the cabinets and a big, black cauldron in the middle. The elderly woman looks at him. "Do you have what you promised me?" The figure nods and passes a yellow pouch of something. The woman picks it up and it feels it. "Do you have what you promised me?" She nods and gets up and goes into a closet and gets it and sits back down handing it to the figure. They take it and hold it tightly. "And this is what you said it is?" She nods and says, "Yes, it will make Mal forget being in love with that boy and completely love you. You just got to put a piece of hair in it making it so she just falls in love with you." The figure nods and gets up. "Thank you." The woman nods and lets the  figure out. They walk out of the cabin and out towards the school.

"Oh Mal you will be mine."
Hey guys!! Finally updated!! Hope you are enjoying this story!! I'll make sure to update again soon!! Make sure to comment!!!

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