twenty five

926 35 1

My lips puff out breaths, timing myself with every stride I take. My arms pump my body as I run through the trail, my eyes taking in the scenery. I couldn't seem to fall asleep tonight, but I'm sure it's the adrenaline still flowing in my veins from earlier this evening.

Jackson has shown to be a parasite in my life. I can't get rid of him, no matter how hard I try.

I climb the steps to my house and enter, the darkness I'm met with not something I particularly enjoy coming home to. Right now, I'm alright with it. There's a beautiful girl lying in my bed and it's almost a heart-wrenching feeling to leave her, having to run to release my mind from the man I grew up with.

My feet pace into the kitchen and I grab water out of the refrigerator, drinking it rather quickly. I toss my beanie onto the counter and I walk to the bathroom down the hall, opting to shower away from my room for her sake. I don't want to wake her. She's too beautiful when she sleeps.

As I find myself standing under the cool water, I think about what it is that takes over most of my thoughts. It's the fear of her getting hurt. I see how much pain she's experienced in her life just by the way she talks, how she reacts to things. It's in my mind to want to take care of her, to show her what I can provide for her. She deserves so much and I will give it to her. I want her.

When I'm done with my shower, I find briefs and pull them onto my legs. I drink more water and walk to my room after locking the house back up. My hand closes the bedroom door quietly, but I'm met with a small body walking towards me. All I do is lift her onto me and hold her close. She's easy enough to lift onto me for a hug. It's something about her body wrapped around mine that has my mind absolutely engulfed in her.

"Are you okay?" she whispers in my ear, the touch of her lips against my skin causing a frenzy in my body.

"Darling, I'm perfectly fine. Just needed some fresh air," I say, holding her waist in one hand and her thigh with the other. She's so unbelievably fit; her curves making my hands wander them endlessly.

"I got worried when you left. I figured you had a lot on your mind," she whispers, my feet walking towards my bed. I lay her down before I respond to her.

"You have nothing to worry about. You're safe with me," I tell her, her huge blue eyes looking up at me. The sight alone makes my heart stop. It's her big doe eyes that made me so tightly wrapped around her finger. She has eyes you can't lie to; the guilt will eat me alive. I'd never lie to her regardless, but she isn't like anyone else I know. I have a feeling I won't know what I'd do without her. It's strange how in a blink of an eye, that person is right there for someone. I found my person.

I lay next to her but prop myself up on my elbow so I can look down at her. She turns to face me, but I stay at a height advantage.

"It's about Jackson, right?" she whispers, and I sigh.

"I can't fathom the thought of him coming near you. It won't happen though, but it's unsettling," I tell her. She doesn't get to be hurt by anyone. Not if I can help it.

"I know you won't let anything happen," she says, and I meet her gaze once more. It's when she says that I know she's fully trusting solely in me in regard to this unraveling situation that may or may not pose a potential threat. She trusts me and I'd be a damn fool to lose it.

Rhiannon James has my heart. I've known it for a while now, but being able to finally share myself with her in ways only lovers do made it astoundingly clear. Being able to make love to her was an unreal feeling and considering I'm her first made the intimate actions all the more impactful on me. I'm not one that has ever been so careful and so gentle during sex, but for her it was what I wanted. I wanted the slow, intricate movements. The soft touches and her hands roaming my body; her soft breasts pressed against my chest. I had never had a night like ours before. And I won't go back. These are the nights I will have for the rest of my life. These nights will be with her.

"Get some rest, baby," I smile down at her. I know full well that the name makes her blush, and she's so beautiful when it happens. Rhiannon proved to be nothing like my previous types. All I wanted was a short stint, nothing serious. It never was. When I saw her at that event, all I wanted was to run my hands all over her curves. But it was the chase she put me on that made me so intrigued. I wanted more; I wanted her.

And I got her.

When I lay down, I pull her to lay at my side. She rests her head upon my chest and I rest my hand on her cheek while my other arm runs beneath her body. When we sleep like this, it make my previously empty body feel whole again. She has that effect on me.

I let her sleep in the morning, my body moving out of the room after I put sweatpants onto my body. My feet carry me around the house and up the stairs, walking to the end of the hall to my office. I find the key I keep in the drawer of the decorative table in the hall and I open the door.

Upon entering, I sigh. It's a mess in here, and I dread even opening my computer. However, I'm thankful I cancelled my meeting for today. Old pages liter the floor and various books splay along the tables. Awards and certificates are framed on the walls and I have many of the same books stacked against my desk.

Being a writer does this to me. A mess of books and pages everywhere.

As I read through the emails and the nominations put up for my work, I scan over a few things before I'm taken out of my thoughts with a knock. A certain fear strikes through me, knowing what might happen if Rhiannon were to walk in here.

"Harry, I know you don't want me in your office so I'm staying out here," she almost whispers, my chest feeling much less constricted at her words. But it doesn't ease the feeling that I'm keeping a secret from her. It's a secret very few people know, and those people are under contract to not speak of it.

I get up, grabbing the key and walking to the door. She stands in front of me, clothed in my shirt and a pair of leggings of the collection she keeps here now. When we started leaving some of her things here, it made me so happy to finally feel as though I'm sharing my life with her. It's a good feeling.

"Sorry, I had to answer some emails. I don't like waking you," I tell her, and she smiles. She grabs my hand and my wrist between her hands. The sight alone makes me know she doesn't care.

"I don't mind. I know you're a busy, important man," she grins up at me. All I can think of doing right now is to kiss those full, pink lips.

"Can I make it up to you?" I ask, letting go of her hand. I reach to grab her cheeks and I lean down, setting my lips on hers. She kisses me back, her hands setting on my bare abdomen.

"How do you plan to do that?" she whispers, my body urging to have hers just at the sound of her voice and the feeling of her lips. And by the sly smirk on her soft lips, I can tell her thoughts are just as devious as mine.

"I haven't had breakfast yet," I whisper against her lips, moving my hand down to run between her legs. "I'm in the mood for something sweet."

What I'm insinuating has her cheeks flushed, my movements against her soon causing her full lips to part. The arousal she has already built up makes me bite my lower lip, her hands reaching for my shoulders in order to regain stability.

"You want it?" I ask, her eyes opening to look up at me. The sight alone has me harden, ready for her. Before I let her answer, I lift her up and carry her downstairs. Her lips are pressed against the nape of my neck and I let her hand run into my hair. It's one of my favorite feelings to have her little fingers twist into my hair. It's her way of pulling me closer; showing me I'm all she wants in the moment.

I've never felt the crave for another woman the way I want her. The taste of her against my lips makes me harder, watching her unravel beneath my tongue. But when her pretty little lips wrap around me, circling her tongue against my tip causes my body to give up so easily for her. She knows what she does to me; smiling every time we make each other feel good. I pull my briefs back on once she takes me and I lean down to lift her lacy panties to rest back on her hips. I'm so encased in her presence to recognize just how long we spend in the bedroom this morning. It's my own heaven and she's become my angel. 

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