thirty one

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My boots lightly tap as I walk, my eyes puffy with tears as I walk down the hallway to Harry's office. The way my heart is beating against my chest and my stomach is turning with nerves nearly makes me want to run for the hills. But I know that's what the fear of love is.

Harry wrote this novel about finding the one. The one who he wants to spend life with, the one he wants to grow old with, have children with, and get married to. The one he found in troubled times, to lift him out of the darkness, and to make the day bright. It was the love for her that made a desperate man find peace, made a lost man find his way home, and made a man struggling with life find the path again. He found the one.

And Harry found me.

I'm scared to tell him that I cried on the pages of his unprinted book. My tears flowed the entire time because I know the meaning behind the words now. I know who wrote the words I've read and reread many times, but this was the first time I've read a book about myself. He told me it was all about me, and that's what I reminded myself while reading it.

My fingers lightly knock the door and I walk in, noticing Harry at his desk. He stands and I just watch from the doorway, trying to build up the courage to say something.

To gather my nerves, I look him over and notice he's rolled the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows and his body stands tall. He's wearing all black, a look he typically goes with. As I watch him, he puts his hands in his pockets.

As I stand here, I realize he wants me to speak first. I run my fingers under my eyes and I let out a shaky breath, knowing that no matter what I say, he will not run away from me. I'm safe here.

"I love you," I tremble out, looking away from him and looking at the floor. "I've, um, never loved someone before because I was not born in a loving way. And I was not...welcomed in my family. But with you," I breathe, shakily speaking. "With you, I actually feel like I matter."

A smile takes over my lips and let a few more tears fall. "God I'm so in love with you," I cry, but I feel Harry grab my face and press his lips on mine. He pulls me close to his body and his hand holds my cheek, the other arm wrapped tightly around me.

But my overwhelming emotions cut our kiss short, my tears falling more rapidly. He lets me rest my head on his chest and I just cry, not knowing what exactly I'm crying about.

"Rhiannon," he whispers, holding me tightly to his body. His hand is firmly pressed to the back of my head and holding my ear over his heart, allowing me to listen to the steady beat.

"There is no one in this world that I have ever loved more than I love you," he whispers in my ear, and I feel myself crying more. It's feeling loved that is making me cry. A mother's love is one thing, but the love from the one who wants to give you the world is another.

All I feel able to do is bury my head in his chest and have him hold me, my heart so full. He's so warm and so welcoming and I don't know what I did to deserve him.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask softly, my voice still shaking from my diminishing tears. His thumb traces my ear and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

"Of course, darling," he allows, and I finally manage to wrap my arms around his waist.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, but he doesn't let me go until I move. He looks down at me and I close my eyes when he brushes the hair away from my face. He grabs my cheek and I look up at him, his eyes so beautiful when he looks at me. They are very soft and looking at me with the utmost care that I know he loves me. This is the most beautiful man in the world.

"How are you feeling?" he wonders, my lips curving at his concern. I took in a lot of information but it's information I'm so happy to be enlightened with.

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