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I see news stories about my sister's 'fairy-tale wedding' being ruined when she was left at the altar by Jackson. It's funny to think that only a year ago she yelled at me for being the bad guy; her new man being the most precious thing on earth. If only she knew his true intentions. This may have been cold feet, or quite possibly all a scheme to get back at Harry in a twisted way. There is only one thing that runs clearly in my mind.

Amelia lost for the first time in her life.

Her shame and misfortune is plastered about the country simply because of our father's status. Amelia is like those rich kids seen on television shows simply getting what's handed to her. There have been occasions where she is stopped to talk about things with those who report to news stations and magazines. She's a popular person; a public figure.

As I sweep in the coffee shop, I watch the story unfold on the news. The new shop has a television so being able to sweep and watch a show to keep me occupied has its benefits. Unfortunately, I'm closing tonight so the dark sky filled with rain in front of the shop is unsettling. Something about being the only one working at this time of night leaves me a bundle of nerves, but it pays the bills.

Startling out my thoughts is the television shutting off due to a particular rumble of thunder. My nerves grow and I just take a deep breath, walking into the back room. I reach for my jacket and grab my bag, shutting the lights off and navigating through the store via the security light.

But the door opens and a man dressed in all black walks in, scaring me. The door slams behind him and I stand frozen, scared I'm about to get hurt. All I think of is he's either going to rob the store or harm me.

I can't think of words to say. Just my mouth drops and I watch him come closer, my heart pounding. A hood covers the head, a bandana around his mouth, and a beanie covering his hair. Sunglasses are on his nose and there is no way to tell who is beneath the black outfit.

It's the perfect disguise to steal.

"W-We're closed. I'm sorry," I try, but he walks closer still. No words come from him and I freeze, his body right in front of me. The hood is removed and I stand, shaking and mortified.

His gloved hand tugs down the bandana and I drop my eyes to his lips, my heart stopping as I recall the cherry color. My lips part and I look back up, a smirk covering those perfect lips. My hand reaches up and I maneuver the sunglasses off, bright green eyes connecting with mine.

"Hello darling," Harry smiles, his voice holding a rasp. My heart lifts, greeting the moment happily. I reach up and he wraps his arms around me as mine loop around his neck. His head nuzzles in the crook of mine, my feet lifting lightly in his grasp. It's a tight embrace; holding me together as I happily come apart.

"Are you home?" I whimper in my beginnings of tears. I don't open my eyes, only basking in the warmth of his body.

"I'm home, baby. I'm home," he reveals, and my tears fall as I cry in happiness. I'm relieved as I'm finally able to breathe again. I don't have to wait, anticipate harm, or fear he's gone forever. The ease is upon me and I have Harry back; I just hope it's forever.

He lifts me by my waist, easily allowing my legs to tighten an embrace on his torso. I'm so small compared to him, especially now. He's strong, muscular, and all mine. I'd have it no other way.

"I love you," he mutters into the skin of my neck, my hand tightening on his sweatshirt since his hair is captive by his beanie. The words cause me to smile.

"I love you too," I respond, his arms tight on me.

I'm not sure how long we stand in our loving embrace, reveling in each other's presence. I feel so comforted knowing that I won't have to let him go again. He is much the same way, I'm sure.

My legs unwind, my tiptoes touching the ground. Once I'm placed to stand on my own, I move my hands to his neck and lift my head, his lips finding my own easily.

"I promise you I'm not going to let you go again," he tells me, lips brushing my own as he parts away from our kiss to assure me.

"I won't let you go," I smile, looking up into his eyes.

The way we're compelled to each other has enabled our love to flourish. We don't know where our love will take us, but one thing known is that we have each other. Harry has taught me a lot in my time spent with him, and I'm grateful for everything he's allowed me to experience. If it were not for him, I would not be where I am today. The independent girl in me has transformed into a woman dependent on his love. I'm a strong woman, but Harry is my weakness. It's the same for him; I'm his weakness.

It only shows how perfect we are for each other. We are there for each other, compelled by the same motive: love.


I hope this novel served you all well! I had fun writing it and I'm thankful I was able to share a story with you all after some time away. Hopefully I will be back to write some more!

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