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He gave a cute innocent smile. "My name is Gon Freecss! Nice to meetcha! wanta be to friends Destiny-chan?" he yelled happily. I smiled I got to meet Gon.
After I got dried I looked over to Gon he looked like he was in deep thought. I thought the word (Pause). Then I thought about how I should handle things. Should I look like a goddess that washed up on the shore or Nah? Should I show my powers? Uggghh!!!! I hate lying about myself but... Oh! What if I play the amnesia game and play it off that I have no idea why I have powers! But I actually think that a bad idea what if I mess up the lies! Cue the sweat drop. I guess I will just roll with it. It is hunter x hunter after all this place is anything but normal at least compared to my first life as Sam. But I think I will have to work on the other powers I have since I have seven powers in total. I only master all the basic elements. Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. I can't just part an ocean full of water and fly around with my powers. I would scare the crap out of every one of the main characters and then some of the bad guys would get interested in my powers. Uhggg. I need to keep my powers to myself unless they are absolutely needed. I guess I can use my basic types of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. I might work a little more on my Fūinjutsu and Senjutsu. I need to learn Juinjutsu. I have a scroll to show me how to... But it actually kinda useless I can't pull an Orochimaru and bit someone and give them a mark. Oh well.  I am Okay! Why do I feel like I am lying to myself? Cue the sweat drop again. I think I thought about this enough.
(Unpause) I stated.
[world unfreezing in 3..2..1..]
as the world unfreezes, I look up and see that I and Gon are about the same height he is about an inch taller than me. "Hey, Destiny-Chan! Do you w-want to umm watch me fish?" I shot up and dust myself off and then look at him and smiled. "Of course!"


As destiny-chan was drying out I went to thinking. Where did she come from and why was she wet in the first place? Did she swim with her clothes on? How did she dry so fast? And finally, why do I feel my face get hot when I try to talk to her? I don't understand anything about what is happening but I made a new friend and I'm happy and proud! But what should I do to get to know her better? I could ask her to stay with me. Ya! I will ask her! I look at her she looks like she in thought though. " Hey, Destiny-Chan! Do you w-want to umm watch me fish?" Oh No I stuttered! What if she doesn't want to watch fishing! After a few doubts that fluttered through my head, I look up and see her smile. What a beautiful smile. It's contagious. "Of course!" She happily says. Thump THUMP. I reach for my heart and take a sharp breath in. Why?! Why is this happening? Am I sick? Oh well. I feel my face getting hot. A sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts."Gon-kun are you alright?" "Ya! I'm fine! Lets fish!"

Destiny's POV
He looked so carefree not knowing how cruel the world could be. I lost my family twice. I have a lot of anger but when I'm with him he makes it feel like everything was all but a dream. like nothing ever happened. I almost despise it but I can't hate Gon he has done nothing wrong. I take a look at him and see that he has his hand over his heart and takes a deep breath of air. This got me worried. "Gon-kun are you alright?" I asked panicked a little. "Ya! I'm fine! Lets fish!" he shot up with a bright smile.

Time skip no Jutsu!

I am now running into town with Gon with the Master of the swamp! He looks straight at a woman with orange hair I think it is his aunt. "Hey I can Take it right aunt Mito!?" Gon shouted to her. Her frame slumped and she let out a sigh. "Yes but you have to be safe okay!?" she pleaded worried plastered on her sweet little face. Gon had a bright smile on his face. "Yes!' he yelled. He then looked at me. Almost saddened. I was worried was he sad about me? I guess we did just become best friends he must feel like he is leaving me behind. Well won't he be surprised to hear I'm going with him. Might as well enjoy this world with him instead of sulking in anger and sadness. I giggled. I look straight into his eyes and smiled, a sweet smile. I haven't been so relaxed in a long time. His face flushed with a fire of red. And started to walk towards me. "He-ey umm Destiny-chan I wanted to ask if you. Only if you want to! But I understan-" as he studdard over his words. I interrupt him and smiled for the one thousandth time today. "of course I will go with you Gon!" he sighed in what i think is relief. He looked up and one more time he showed his wonderful smile. "I'm so happy Destiny-chan let become Hunters together!" Gon yelled childishly. He grabbed my hand with a wide smile. And then I was the one blushing. I never touched anyone besides my family. So far everything starting off well. Me and Gon are leaving to the ship to leave and start our adventure. I can't believe that I get to become a Hunter with Gon.

Hey readers! so I never uploaded and I don't know if anyone actually reads this but I am trying to update but I have to do a lot of studying about ninjutsu and Nen, and I'm thinking about if I want to make her super strong or just deal with how things are. Well I will update on saturdays or sundays do to school. :D

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