[C.M.B]//crohn disease{R}

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WritingRandom165 for you boo, sorry it took so long

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WritingRandom165 for you boo, sorry it took so long.

Crohn disease: A chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract.

Corbyn stirred painful in his covers. The groggy feeling in his stomach grew every second his body was awake and he knew he wouldn't go back to sleep. He gripped his turning stomach and gasp at the slight gargle it made.

"What the hell" he whispered to himself before turning back over and curling in a ball to reduce some of the pain crashing in his stomach.

Some how and thankfully, his eyes fluttered closed as he laid in a comfortable position and fell asleep.

When Corbyn woke up again, the sun peaked through his closed blinds and the room was brighter then last night. He stirred once again and groaned softly when the curling in his stomach hadn't changed.

He sits up out of his bed still clenching his upset stomach and was now wondering what got him so upset in the first place.

Then there was a knock on the door. He groans again and in his deep raspy voice he replied
"Come in"

Zach pushed himself through the door and immediately furrowed his eye brows.

"You feeling alright bud?" He asked with concern.

The blond boy immediately nodded, trying to seem as truthful as possible. Zach shook his head and readjusted his expression.

"Breakfast is ready if you want some"

He quickly nodded and the blush faced boy left the room for Corbyn to be alone. He pushed himself out of bed and trailed over to the bathroom. He had suddenly needed to go to the bathroom really bad so he did. He plopped down and clenched his stomach.

He had been in the bathroom for 10 minutes doing *you know what* and he felt a little better.

He mumbled to himself on the way down the stairs and as he stepped into the kitchen, every boy gave him a glare.

"What took you so long corbs? Your foods cold now" Jonah said and quickly pushed a plate to the end of the table where Corbyn usually sits.

The thought of eating wasn't really on his mind but he just sat down at his chair and looked down at the food. Eggs, bacon, and sausage. He gulps loudly and looks up to all the other boys eating their food again.

Finally, he picked up his fork and stuck the metal into the sausage before bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite. It was good.

After breakfast his stomach was cramping and he was bloated like crazy. Thank god today is a free day cause Corbyn is feeling like absolute trash.

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