Chapter 1: Screw Mornings

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Your POV


I woke up to the annoying screech of my minuscular alarm clock. I rolled over and reached out to turn the bitter sound off, a loud 'THWAP' and silence told me that the alarm had actually turned off for once. I yawned and pushed myself to sit on my bed.

Morning already.. Damnit. I rubbed my (E/C) eyes and took one of my hands and brushed it lightly through my (H/C) hair before readjusting the bottom half of my body so my feet could reach the floor.

Talk about a rude awakening, not that any of my other times of waking up were that pleasant for the past couple months. The only alarm clock that I enjoyed was long gone, instead of the maniacal clicks of the one i had now it played music softly at first and then got louder as time passed.

The one I have now? It's a hunk of junk and It was the only other clock I had after breaking my other one during the move.

I pushed myself off the bed once again huffing from how early it was. The time read 7:06 I had plenty of time to actually go and get ready, but I've had the habit of procrastination down cold so often i'd find myself rushing.

I made my way to the bathroom and flicked on the light switch as well as the fan, then got undressed from what little I had been wearing. I kicked my clothes to the side before grabbing a towel out of the cabinet to place on the counter for me, when I got out. Finally I turned the knob to the shower and stepped in letting all of my stress roll away and my thoughts wander.

It had already almost been the whole summer, and I'd moved right before school ended. My mother had gotten a job offer in New Jersey that paid better than what she had been getting paid, It took her about a month to convince me to go but eventually I caved in.

I honestly didn't want to leave all of my friends nor the boy with blue locks and mask that i had become so intrigued by. Though after some thought I decided that leaving was for the best. I'd be going to a different state, no one would know me, no one would know of my cringe-worthy middle-school years. I'd be leaving all of that behind and ending up a freshman in an entirely new place.

School hadn't even started but i was told that I had to wake up early, otherwise i'd have ended up being late. But getting used to things like waking up early sucks, it really drains you.

I finished up washing my hair and rinsed all the suds out, turned off the now lukewarm water, and carefully stepped out of the shower. I reached for my towel only to realize it was missing. Fuck, why does this always happen. I turned around and opened the cabinet back up, my missing towel was there, but I could've sworn I'd placed it next on the sink. I shivered as the pellets of water dripped off of me and onto the bathmat below. I shrugged, being a little frustrated, but this wasn't anything new, it always happened at least once a week. For the longest time you could've sworn that it had been my mother pranking me, but as she began to leave for work and I took showers while she was gone, it started to get creepy.. Then eventually just really fucking annoying.

Quickly I dried off the rest of me and wrapped the dull colorless towel around my body before making my way to my room. I closed the door behind me and let the towel fall, finally a little bit of 'privacy' compared to whatever 'spirits' lurked in the bathroom. Are there even spirits in there? I don't know, but whatever is in there really needed to stop taking my towels.

I walk myself over to my dresser and pull out a pair of underwear and slide them on, then grab a bra and clip it around me. By now the time on the alarm clock read 7:34. Still plenty of time to 'be out the door' if this was a school day.

I moved towards my closet so grab something to wear, my eyes landed on my long-sleeved grey shirt. I thought about it for a moment before pulling it off the hanger and pulling it over my head. Then i turned back to my dresser, i picked out a pair of high waisted jeans that were considered 'skinny' but were also slightly baggy on me. I looked at my mirror on the ground and sighed. Not amazing but It wasn't like i was trying to impress anyone. I quickly combed through my hair and lastly pulled on a pair of socks.

Now was the time to actually figure out what to do. I jumped back up onto my bed and sighed, maybe I could snooze again? No. That'd just screw up my sleep schedule again. I sighed and picked up my flip-phone, i should call my mom to let her know that I'm actually awake and ready...

I dialed her number and almost instantly she picked up.

"Y/N? What's up?"

"Just calling to let you know I'm awake and ready mom.."

"Oh alright good. Say I forgot to tell you we're supposed to be getting new neighbors, I stopped by Mr. Addison's room on the way out and he mentioned that a Father and his boy would be moving in." I hummed and began to wonder if they would end up being strange and interesting like the rest of the complex.

"Oh alright, maybe I'll run into them today?"

"Yeah, go make friends with him, I'm sure you'll get along (Y/N) you practically get along with anybody.." Yeah. She's got a point I really do get along with almost everyone with the exception of bullies. I scratched my head hoping that the new neighbors weren't annoying and actually nice.

"Alright mom well.. I'll uh, I'll let you go so I don't distract you from your work."

"Okay sweetie, I'll see you when I get home then, I'll be home late tonight."

"Yeah i remember. Love you mom, bye"

"Bye hunny." We both hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. My interest had been piqued by the thought of meeting people that I hadn't before. I jumped back off of my bed and grinned dorkishly. New neighbors! I hadn't been this excited about something in a long while. I sighed, maybe the new boy moving in would be cute..

Before long I found myself sitting on the couch in the living room watching cartoons when I heard a loud thump. Maybe it was them! I took my keys off of the tall end table next to the door and stuffed them into another one of my pockets before pushing my feet into my dark brown combat boots.

After that I bust through the door only to notice the elevator closing, I run towards it and only catch a glimpse of the boy before it shuts...

He dons a mask with a crack on the side and electric blue hair thats stuck up in pigtails.. You know this boy, you used to go to school with him. You wanted to be friends with him but your friends would never give him a chance.



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