Chapter 4: Terrors

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I woke up startled by my phone chiming from my night stand. I looked for my alarm clock but, didn't see it; It must've fell off. The muscles in my legs slightly ached from running back and forth through Larry's apartment earlier.

I really didn't think there would ever be a time where I saw Larry get a nosebleed from something other than someone with a nice ass. In fact, one of the first times I ever saw Larry he was outside, up against a tree, sketching. I saw him and joined him because it looked pretty relaxing but before I knew it a girl with a 'bubble-butt' came along. He ended up starring, sneezing, then his nose began to drip. He ended up getting some blood on his sketch but he didn't mind all too much because of the 'aesthetic' he was goin for.

Jesus, how early is it? I groan and roll over to pick up my phone, missing it in my blind one-handed search for it. Whoever was texting me better have a good reason for interrupting my sleep. Seriously I was having a really good dream! i was at the fair with my favorite Tv Show characters. We were able to go on all the rides all the and play games and eat so much food-...

Shit I'm off track. I shook my head and refocused on the task at hand: A.k.a checking my phone. The only person who really has a pass to annoy me at this hour is Larry. That being said hopefully it's just Larry telling me that he's alright and hasn't died in the middle of the night from blood-loss. Even then I'd hope that instead of being awake he'd be sleeping off the rough slam he got to the head from Sal's mask.

As I opened up the screen the brightness began to burn my eyes. Fuck it hurts. I shut my eyes then blinked to try and adjust to the screen. Getting used to the saturation of the screen was hell, I squinted in order to see the everything clearly. Never have i understood why they had to be like this because it always catches me off guard.

I sighed I clicked onto my messages expecting it to be from the metalhead in the basement but It wasn't. Instead I was met with a message from my newest contact: Sal Fisher.



-Sal: Hey (Y/N)?
-you up?

-Me: Well if you mean 'did I wake you up' then yeah
-Why are you still up?

-Sal: I had a nightmare, couldn't fall back asleep

-Me: Oh, i see
-You alright over there?

-Sal: Oh uh, yeah
-I'm fine Just too awake now
I need something to do
just laying here is making me feel worse
-I figured since you are like my only friend I'd message you

-Me: I'm not your only friend dummi
-You have Larry too!

-Sal: I know but I uh kinda slammed my 'face' into him today
-I also don't have Larry's number

-Me: Oh why didn't you say so?

-New Contact: Larry J-

-Me: Anyways, why don't we do something?

-Sal: Like what?
-I don't really think theres anything for us to do this late

-Me: Well Mr Addison gave me a key up to the roof?
-He had me clean out some gutters once and let me keep it
-We could go up there, get some fresh air, clear your mind
-I mean if you want of course?

-Sal: That sounds nice actually

-Me: If that's a yes I'll meet you outside in the hall in 5 minutes

-Sal: Okay, see you there


I pushed my thick duvet off of my body and got out of bed. The soft tank-top and shorts rubbed against my now cold skin since leaving the blanket behind.

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