Chapter 1

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"Shit Pete hes gaining on us"

"well move your stupid ass legs faster then"

"you dont get the right to call me stupid you prick its your reason were in the mess"

Frank was scared. more scared then he had ever been in his life and Pete fucking wentz wasnt helping. the two of them had come on a road trip for some unknown reason and now they were running from the physcopath from the graveyard. God knows why Pete wanted to go in the graveyard but when, if they got out of this Frank knew he was going to kill him. Neither of the two knew who was chasing them but when he started running towards them they both knew it was bad news. very bad news. Frank turned back to see that the man with a gigantic afro was approaching them fast and he suddenly came to the realsiation that they would never make it to the car in time. the man was extremely pale and had wait was that dried blood on his chin. Fuckthis dude was a canabal or something and Frank knew he would be his next meal. Pete didnt seem to realise this perhaps because the black haired boy was to afraid to look back and even if he did his fringe would block the view anyway.

"Pete were gonna die hes nearly"

Frank never got to finish his sentence as he was being tackled to the ground and the last thing he saw before he fell out of conciousness was Pete laying on the ground next to him with blood dripping down his forehead. He lay there dreaming of his family. They say that before you die your life flashes before you and although Frank didnt know that he was going to die he was pretty sure he would. He thought about his mother she was the only one who understood. When his dad died he remember how he breathed a sigh of relief the man was an asshole who deserved to die of an overdoes, he gave his son drugs and was the reason Frank was so fucked up as a teenager but in perspective I guess he never did tackle Frank to the ground which Franke was thankfull for. H remembered when he and Pete Packed the boot of the car to go off on the trip of 'independence' as th eself proclaimed emo stated. the two 20 year olds set off in Petes less of an asshole dads car and they began there journey to new York. Maybe Frank would get to see Pete one more time and he could thank him for him being there since they were both 15.

"Iero get up, Frank for god sake get up"

Frank looked up and secretly hoped he was in a hotel or the car but when he fully opened gis eyes he noticed that he was in red velvet room and Pete was sat next to him and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

When Frank sat up he payed full attention to where he was he was sat on the floor with Pete next to a large victorian fireplace with a red velvet sette facing towards them. the room they were in was fairly small and the walls were covered in paintings of people who were likely to have been important at some point along with books that looked as if they hadn't been read in hundreds of years. Frank then began to notice the figure in the corner of the room aproaching them. It was the man with the afro and Frank was about to let out a scream but found himself unable to move his mouth which in the long run would prove to be very benefical to him. Eventually the man was close enough for Frank to notice how unthreatoning he looked and how he seemed almost afraid of Frank. almost. Eventually the silence was broken by the man who would go on to inlighten the two scared boys.

"Listen you need to stay calm and quite. you must Frank Pete told me listen I know your scared and I shouldnt of tackled you Im sorry, listen I cant explain everything to you yet but just do as I say and he wont hurt you. Im Ray by the way and umm well long story short Im a vampire. but dont worry I only go for animals"

Frank and Pete looked at eachother as Ray rambled on checking behind him every now and then. this dude was scared and Frank was still unsure on whever the vampire joke was just a way for this guy to calm his nerves or if it was true. The silence of earlier returned and it made the footsteps heading towards the door sound louder then anything Pete or Frank had ever heard. and before the two could comprehend what was happening and where they were they were being shoved into a cupboard by Ray as he held a shaking hand to his lips in hope that the two boys wouldnt be stupid enough to make a noise. But how could they Frank was struggling to breathe and was sure that he would have a panic attack. Pete looked calm but Frank could see the dart of fear in his pupil.

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