Chapter 1: Arrival

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???'s POV

???: Goku! Can you feel that?

A green man asked a another wearing
an orange gi.

Goku: Yeah, Piccolo I wonder what it

Piccolo: I don't know but it doesn't
feel very friendly...

Goku: I hope it's someone strong.

Piccolo: Is that ALL you could ever
hope for?

Goku: Yep! And I'm getting excited!

Piccolo: Tch. You Saiyans are all
alike, you know that?

I said as I heard an explosion right
in the fields.

Piccolo: 'I guess that's him'

Goku: Come on! We can't miss this!

We flew over to the site of the


I woke up from my nap and as I did,
I'm in the ground. It's rather green...
I hopped out of my space-pod and
began looking around. That until
I heard a voice


Y/N: Hm?

The hell's a marijuana? Nah it doesn't
matter, all that matters is where I

Y/N: You!

???: What the.. a kid?!

Y/N: I'll only ask you this once,
where am I?!!

He was too shook to even speak.
Please don't tell me that the inhabitants
of this planet are weak! Anyways..
I ain't getting my answer so I decided
to get a bit meaner...

Y/N: Well!? You're scared aren't ya?

He was starting to back away, holding
somekind of stick.

Y/N: Don't be scared... I'm just a kid...

He was shaking like crazy and aimed
that stick at me.

???: Y-You're an alien aren't you!?
If you are, g-get out of my farm or
take a b-bullet!

I can tell he's trying to be brave but
I know for a fact that he's scared.

Y/N: I just got here.. and I tried
being nice... and you just started
threatening me...

I said in my kind-of-mad voice. He
was ultimately shook and I started
walking towards him slowly.

???: G-Get back! N-Now!

I still walked forward until I heard
a small click sound and BAM!

???: W-What the!

Y/N: What. In. The. Hell. Was. That...

It hurt.. well a lot but it didn't kill
me or anything. This is not like
a normal blaster I've seen so many
times. But this was different... but
either way, I'm mad... no, pissed...

Y/N: You've got some nerve... you

I yelled as I shot a ki blast directly
at him making a large explosion. The dust cloud dissapeared only to show...

Nothing? Did I just disintigrate him?
No, he was still alive, he got out of
the way somehow. I looked around
to find where he is, only to find nothing. That is until someone teleported right in front of me. A green
man that seems like a Namekian, and
a familiar face in orange.

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