Chapter 3: Special (Short)

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Me and Gohan just got done sparring, panting hard. When we say we were gonna go all out, we go all out. Let me tell ya, for a halfbreed she really is powerful, almost enough to match my strength, ALMOST.

Anyways, we took a break and sat on this cliff, a very dilapidated cliff. Full of craters on the surface but the edge is looking fine.

Gohan: Phew! You sure do pack a wallop!

Y/N: Yeah, you too.

I was sweating hard clothes under got soaked. Actually no, my armor is gone, GONE! It is now ripped up, as of I came from a war. I took it off and streched a bit, hearing that very satisfying crack.

I look behind me to see Gohan sweating too, but her cheeks are also red. I don't really know why but I don't really care. She shook her head a bit and sat next to me.

3rd Person POV

Gohan sat next to Y/N on the edge of the cliff. Tired, very tired. She took a quick glance at Y/N and looked away as soon as he looked back at her. Her heart was increasing pace when being close to Y/N. Her cheeks would burn up and her stomach feeling weird.

She looked at Y/N again only to see him staring off into the sunset.

Gohan: I'm guessing this is the first time you've seen a sunset?

Y/N: Is that what it was called? Well, my planet didn't exactly have this sort of thing.

Gohan: Well this planet has a lot of special things in it. This, is one of them

Y/N: Really now...

Y/N stared off into the sunset once more. Gohan was doing the same. Unbeknownst to both of them, while viewing this beautiful scene, their hands are staring to get close to each other. Gohan was still to busy getting lost in everything before her, the boy she fell for was sitting next to him, on a cliff watching the sunset.

Finally, their hands finally came in contact with each other by the fingertips. Sometime later Y/N's hand was on top of Gohan's. However, she took notice of this and her eyes widen, she began to blush and tries to slowly take her hand of his.

Y/N notices this and looks at his hand to see Gohan trying to pull away. He immediately pulls her hand back and grips it gently.

Gohan(flustered): W-What are you doing?

Y/N: Your hand, it's surprisingly warm. I like the feeling. Why? Don't you like it too?

Gohan slowly nods and looks away. Y/N smiles at this and continues to hold her hand.

Y/N: 'That feeling's back again...'

Y/N: 'Why? What is it? Why does it keep appearing...'

Y/N snaps out of his thoughts and felt a weight on his shoulder. He saw Gohan leaning on it, sleeping. He smiled once again and laid her down. Despite it being ground, it's still comfortable. He looked at her now sleeping body and smiled.

Y/N: She really is pretty... hmm, just like my mother.

His gaze at her never averted and it won't be anytime soon. Something comes in Y/N's thoughts and then it hit him.

Y/N: Mother used to do this when I'm asleep. It soothes me, makes me calm and most importantly...

Y/N: It shows that she loves me...

Y/N did what his mother always did to him when she tucks him in.

He kissed Gohan in the forehead, hoping that it would soothe her too. But something else also crosses his mind.

Y/N: Do I love her?

That question begins to stay inside Y/N's brain. But for now, it was time for him to rest. He lied down next to her, eyelids getting heavy and now, the last thing he saw was the beautiful night sky, then everything went black


A/N: Hot damned that was worth it! Anyways, welcome back to this story. I know, I have been neglecting this story yadda yadda yadda. Its because I was working in a new story, at the same time working on the Ruby Rose story. I got five chapters on draft and will publish them as soon as I can. Right now, there's still some corrections I want ti make in this story and also the story I've been working on. Okay its time for me to shut up and let you get back to your life, and also...


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