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We were in the car again. Joe had a satisfied grin on his face. Apparently i wasn't as shitty as everybody (including me) had thought. Apparently i was actually pretty good at that whole shooting thing. And apparently Joe still thought that i was to young, to dumb and to not ready to be a more active gang member. 

"Stop sulking, Alec, you did great," he said, trying to lift my mood.

"You suck," i mumbled under my breath, whilst shrugging my shoulders. Either he didn't hear me or he just choose to ignore me cause he didn't answer me.

"You still mad at me?" he said, and began chuckling slightly. "Oh come on, Alec, i'm just trying to protect you. You're not old enough for that shit." He leaned over to ruffle my hair, but i pulled away. His expression changed. He looked kinda sad, and leaned back into his seat. "No one is," he mumbled so low that i don't think i was supposed to hear. 

"But it's not fair!" I whined - reasoned i mean. 

"Life's not fair," he said in an arrogant tone, puffing on his cigaret.

I just send him a dirty look and leaned back into my seat. I could not deal with one of his "you can't get everything you wan't"-lectures once again.

I just sat there, starring out the window with a slight pout on my face. Joe sucks. Mason sucks too by the way. As i sat there, following the lines of the sidewalk and studying the people on it, my eyes fell across a beautiful figure walking slowly on the sidewalk. Her dark hair moved wildly in the wind. Her silhouette was hid behind a pair of loose grey sweatpants, but the unknowing just raised my interest. The short glimpse i got of face, was enough. It was like looking at an angel. 

And then we had driven by her. I looked at Joe, and in my head cursed at him for driving so fast past her. As if he could read my mind he said out loud, with an arrogant shrug: "Yeah, she's hot. I would bang her."

"Joe! She looks like she could be my age! That's more  than ten years younger than you," i exclaimed in disgust. He just shrugged his shoulders again, chuckling slightly. 

We finally arrived home, and i had totally forgot to be mad at Joe, so there was no slamming doors, no yelling. Just a quiet evening. That didn't happen so often. 

Mason was standing in the kitchen sniffed to a pizza with a suspicious looking expression on his face. "Do you guys think this is to old?" he asked Aiden and Sergio who was sitting in the couch playing some videogame. They didn't answer him, so he just wrinkled his nose and sat it back down with a disappointed look on his face. 

Joe went over to Mason in the kitchen, and i plopped down in the couch next to Aiden and Sergio. "What are you playing?" i asked, but that just resulted in both Aiden and Sergio aggressively shushing me.

 Annoyed i shook my head, and just continued watching their game. As always. It looked like Aiden was winning. As always. And Sergio just wasn't having it. As always. So when Aiden shot up in victory, Sergio's first move was to attack him. Before i knew it they were rolling around on the floor. As always. 

"Hey, boys!" Mason yelled, but they didn't even flinch. Mason quickly pulled them apart, on hand on each of their collars. "If anything, then take it outside. Don't ruin my fucking TV." He roughly let go of them, and shame suddenly covered both their faces. They then dragged their defeated bodies upstairs, but they didn't get long before, we could hear them argue again:

"If Mason hadn't saved your ass, i would have beat it to fucking pieces." 

"Oh yeah? Well at least i can win a fucking videogame." 

And then... BOOM. Aiden rolled halfway down the stairs before he angrily got up and ran upstairs again. "You asshole!" Joe just shook his head, and went upstairs, to stop the two monkeys from killing each other. I swear, one day, they will  definitely kill each other. 

Mason plopped down next to me, and turned on some basketball game, but i knew we weren't going to watch it. And i was right: "So, Joe said you did good." He said casually. I just nodded. "He also said you weren't to happy about the whole don't-join-a-gang thing." I just shrugged my shoulders. "Alec, you gotta talk to me."

"Okay," i said, and breathed in dramatically. "I think, you guys suck, and treat me unfair as fuck," i said in an exaggerated diplomatic voice.  

"Why?" he asked plainly.

"Serg and Aiden is allowed to. And they are only two years older than me!"

"Well you can also join when you're 18," he said, as if that explained anything any better.

"But they're 17." I was pissed now.

"They're almost 18."

"They turned 17 last fucking month. And they joined when they were 16."

"Alec, calm down. We make the decisions. I know it might suck, but that's the deal, okay?"

"No! Not 'okay'! That's unfair! We get treated differently!" I stood up from the couch while yelling, angrily starring down at Mason. Mason just calmly stood up, towering over me.

"Alec, calm the fuck down." His voice was so quiet and low i almost couldn't hear him. "All we ever do, is to protect you guys." 

"But then what about Aiden and Sergio? Don't you care about them?" i asked frustrated.

"No, not really," he smirked. I couldn't help but laugh slightly. Of course i knew he was lying. Mason and Joe would give us all, the world if they could. We heard the front door open, and Melanie suddenly barged through.

"Hey you guys! What's up whit this pizza?"

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