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We say society is fair and equal
But there is a gaping rift between the treatment of
'Sensible, level headed' men
And 'dramatic, overly emotional' women
Sounds old fashioned?
But the truth is that it's right now.

If a man uses his fame and social platform
To speak about an issue or problem
He is seen as brave and is glorified
But if a woman does the same
She is dramatic and hormonal
Do you remember when a man's speech was interrupted by a woman running on stage and stealing the spotlight?

If a man uses his music
To write about his love life
He is praised and glorified
But if a woman does the same
She is judged and put down, and catty comments are made like
'She'll write a song about you!'
Do you remember when a man was criticised for talking about his love life in music?

If a man dates many women
And is open about this matter
He is not made to feel bad or guilty,
He's almost, somewhat, occasionally - glorified?
But if a woman dates many men
She is laughed at, and is labelled
Do you remember when a reporter said to a man 'I expect you'll be going home with more than just a trophy tonight,
Maybe a few women'?

If a man dresses and acts as he likes
Expresses himself freely and proudly
He is seen as strong and is glorified
But if a woman does the same
Others feel the need to pass comment
And judge her for HER choices
Do you remember when in an interview a man was forced, after an invasive question was asked
To say ' No! Women take notes!'?

If a man speaks up about a difficult situation
And seeks justice for himself
He is seen as an 'inspiration' and is glorified
But if a woman does the same
She is belittled and has to fight to be heard
Do you remember when in a sexual assault case a man was forced to request $1 in damages
To prove he wasn't lying for money?

But as long as we keep speaking up
And take back our right to be heard
And demand justice for all women
The rift will slowly be pushed back
And soon it'll be the drama(n)tic sexists who are silent.

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