Chapter 1: Movie Night - Part One

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          You walked into the kitchen, immediately making yourself some hot cocoa. It was winter, and it was cold. You were huddled in a thick, fluffy blanket that you had tied around your neck like a cape so that you could use your hands. After heating up some water in the microwave, you heard some footsteps behind you. You turned around to see your freckled angel of a friend.

        "Good morning, Marco."

        He lazily waved his hand in response, making you giggle slightly. Walking over to the living room, you tripped over your laptop cord that you had so stupidly  placed acrosss the floor which made it a trip-trap. You stumbled, but you hadn't actually tripped; lucky for you, or you would've been burned by your liquid chocolate. You sighed, knowing that you didn't just die.

        You yell loudly to absolutely no one in particular "I didn't just almost trip, I swear!" and you plop yourself down on the couch. You run your fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, which gets stuck in the tangles, so you awkwardly pull your hand out. You turn on the TV to the Saturday Morning cartoons. You feel the couch dip beside you where Marco now resides.

          You ruffle his already messy hair. "How are you?" He responds by lightly smacking your hand away. You giggled and rested your head on his broad shoulders and sighed. It was a late night for both of you again, more so for him.

          You both just sat there together for a while, in peace, absorbing each other's warmth. Finally, Marco sighed. "(Y/n), there's something I've been meaning to-"

          Ring Ring Ring~

          You look over at your phone. "Hold on a sec, Marco hun. I gotta answer this." You look at the text that someone had sent you. "It's Sasha. She wants to come over and bring everyone for a movie night."

         "What? Why?"

         "I dunno, probably wants more free food or something."

         Marco seemed to ponder on it for a second, then sighed, nodding his head. "Sure. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"



         You ran over to her, plastic baseball bat in hand, and began to beat her with it - not hard enough to sustain an injury, but enough to get her to knock it the hell off. She sent you a pouty glare, pretending to cry a little bit. "Come on, (y/n) dude! This is my party after all, so I do what I want!-"

         "Let me stop you right there," you said, putting a hand in her shoulder. Pointing to yourself, you gave her a venomous, yet dorky stare. "My house, my rules, hun. You break them, I break you. Got it?"

         She visibly shuddered and nodded, standing up and apologizing a few times before going back to her happy-go-lucky demeanour. Smiling brightly, you two continued setting up for the party, along with Marco (who was giggling to himself in the living room about the whole incident) and Connie, who came along with Sasha.

         The doorbell rang, and you looked up at the clock. Oh crap, people are arriving.

         You ran over to the door, opening it in kind of a pissed-off manner. There, in front of you, were Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

         "Heya, (Y/N)!" Eren smiled, his bright turquoise eyes smiling with him. Mikasa nodded in your direction, and Armin smiled bashfully from behind.

         "Hey, guys, come on in." You stepped out of the way, and the three walked in. Looking over at Sasha, you ask, "Who else is supposed to be here?"

         She put her pointer finger on her chin and looked up, as if she were pondering. "Jean, Ymir, Krista, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Hanji, and maybe Levi and Erwin. That's it, I think." Sasha nodded in agreement with herself, "Mmm-hmm"ing as well. "Yep, that's it."

         You sighed loudly, making sure she could hear your exasperation. "That's a lot of people, Sasha."

         "Thats everyone! You said I could invite everyone!" She growled slightly, turning her head away from you and pouting.

         "Alright, well we're done setting up, I guess." You turned away from Sasha, looking at all of the pillows and blankets sprawled across the floor, as you and your friends soon would be. You felt an arm drape across your shoulder. Looking over your right shoulder, you saw a grinning freckled face. "Alright, (Y/N), lets wait for the rest of 'em."

         You nodded and waited for more guests to arrive.


Hi guys! Sorry for not updating this in forever, hope you enjoyed this part! Part 2 of Movie Night coming soon.

A Happy Ending {Marco X Reader} Modern!AUWhere stories live. Discover now