Never ever

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I washed my face and look in the mirror which was in front of me. I could see the person who was nothing but broken. Her blue eyes were not shiney like before. Her voice was not like that it was supposed to. In two year many things had changed. Many people changed. I sighed and looked again and grab the towel and wipe the water from my face. I could not think anything but the night when I lost everything. Means everything. I heard the cry and I again sighed. Even through I had lost everything but then also I have two special things with me. My kids. Who are one years old. I quickly come out of my room and go to the kids room.

I never thought that my love life will end like this. I never ever thought about it. I can never imagine that he though that I was nothing to him. I am glad that he had leave me and left me with great things. I would never ever gonna let him come again in my life. Once was enough. I opened the door and met by the crying. I know who was crying. My elder daughter Cailey. I pick her up and rocked her. She calmed a bit then my son Caleb sit up. He looked at me with the blue eyes which he got from me. In fact both the kids had got my eye colour. It just Caleb had got his father hair colour. I would love it when he doesn't get any genes of his so called father.

I patted his head and he smiled at me. His teeth were still growing. I have twins. Cailey is elder and Caleb is younger. I could not ask for more. They both are my life and there is no doubt about that. My phone ringed up and I picked it up.

"Hey Faith how are you?" My best friend Annie asked me.

"I am fine. Where are you now a days?" I asked her.

"I am in New York with my another friend Grace." She said.

"OH! Maybe I will get a chance to meet her someday. " I said. I reallg want to meet her.

"Of course you will meet her soon. First come to New York. By the way how my niece and nephew doing?" She asked me and I chuckled.

"They both are fine and are troubling me more." I said and this time she chuckled and I joined her. I heard giggling and saw both my kids were giggling. I smiled.

"I will soon visit you." She said to me.

"I will wait." I said and we hung up. I looked up Cailey who was in my arms. She was smiling at me. She is just mini me. I smiled at her put her in her crib. I looked at the time and saw the time on the clock which was perfectly hanging on the wall. When I saw the time it was almost lunch time. I carry my both kids in the dining room and make them seat in the sir respective chairs. I started to cook my food and along with my kids. They still have trouble to walk and trying to speak words. I don't know what will happen when they will grow up. 

I looked at my sunshines and smiled. I am happy till they are small when they will grow up I have to face a question and I am not at all will be able to tell them the deeds of their father. I sighed and go back to my cooking. Kids food was ready. I leave it for it cool down for sometime. My food was also ready and I brought three plates of food and started to feed kids. Whenever I sat to make them eat the food. It is always a task for me to feed this small trouble to have their small tummy full. My phone ringed once again. Caleb was not eating his food and after making him eat another spoon I pick up the phone.

"Faith?" It was Kim. She works with me in my café which I had opened last year only.

"It's me only Kim." I said to her.

"Are you going to come for the work today?" She asked me. Oh shoot! I forgot to tell her that I won't be able to come today. I have to be with kids today.

"Sorry Kim I forgot to tell you but I won't he able to come." I said and she sighed.

"Thank God I had decided to call you or else everyone had already thought you were in trouble." She said and I chuckled.

"No no, In exictment I forgot about it. So today you take care of the Café I will meet you tomorrow." I said and she chuckled.

"Sure we will meet tomorrow." She said and I smiled. She is understanding. After leaving New York. I come to LA to start a new life and Kim was the first person who had helped me to start over the life. I am very grateful to her.

I hung up and started to eat the food. It was just quite hot. After finishing up the food. I take all our dishes and wash them up. I come back in the dining room. I picked up my kids and take them to the living room and put them on the rug and gave them their toys and they started to play with it and I sat on the sofa and switched on the TV and started to watch movie Twilight. It is amazing. Bella and Edward they both look so good together. In between the movie I keep my eyes on the kids and soon I saw that they both had asleep. I noticed it was there nappy time. I smiled and pick them up. I put them in their crib and put the blanket on. I was there only for few minutes.

I go downstairs and changed the channel and it was news. My phone buzzed means any message had come on my phone. I take the phone and was about to open the message but I stopped when I heard the news on the TV. I leave my phone and quickly looked at the TV. My eyes widen and I can't help but feel betrayed and broken. I wanted to cry but tears had already dried up and I was only angry. I looked at the TV and saw they both were smiling and was holding a baby. I cursed inwardly to both of them. I looked at their intwined  hand and saw the wedding bands. I can't help but get angry more. I quickly switch of the TV and did stay in living room for the single second. I go upto my room and quickly locked it. I pull the drawer out and take the ring in my hand.

"I thought you will come back to me and will ask me to be in your life once again but you had proved me wrong.  And the last hope you also destroyed. " i said to myself in broken tone looking at the ring."Now even if we cross our path we would be stranger and the love which was in my heart for you is completely turned into hatred. I hate you. You heard I hate you. And now it's time for me to move on from you for forever." I said and walk towards the trash bin and throw the ring inside it.

I go to my closet and pick out some photos and tore them into pieces and throw them into the dustbin. I wasn't satisfied. I wanted to destroy him. I wanted to break him down just like her did to me. But I sighed.  He clearly said that he never loved me. He was behind me just for money and he loves her. I don't know even I will be able to move on. But I guess I am determined. I will move one and will show him that without him I am something and most above I will never let my kids come in front of him. I won't let him take away my kids away from me. Never ever he is going to win over this mother.

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