perfect family

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Hi kitties


Caleb is very adorable child along with Cailey who is his twin sister. I guess Cailey is just older so that she can protect her little brother and care about her just like I had seen awhile ago. Might be God didn't wanted them to be separated that's why he has given them together. Caleb was sleeping now and I can't believe that Faith didn't directly told me that her baby was suffering from fever. Now I can understand why she was running the car so fats cause she wanted to reach her child as soon as possible.  I had kind of roam around the house but I haven't seen a single picture of their father.

I don't know what might have happened. But I have to say Faith was calm and enough strong to take care of her kids.  I know she needs someone to take care of her and her kids but I don't know I didn't like that idea at all. I was drinking the coffee and Faith was sitting beside me.

"Thank you Archer for lending me your car." Faith broke the silence.

"No worries. By the way Caleb often gets sick or it is just like everyone else?" I asked her and she was kind of sad but was still calm and smiled.

"He often get sick. After 2 or 3 months. That's why I have to keep his medicine. I don't if it is right or not. But I guess I can share this with you." She said and I just nodded.

"When their father left me I was broken and wasn't over my right mind. I knew that he cheated on me but still I wasn't able to consume it in my brain. But when I come to know that I am blessed with a child. I was very happy but maybe God wanted to bring happiness in my life that's why he sent me two beautiful little person." She said and I was listening to her. "When he delivery due come. Cailey was out very healthy but Caleb had to struggle. He had struggle to live the life.  His chances of living might me only 3 percent. His condition was way to much worse. I don't know why it happened. Doctors kept him for observations. He started to recover slowly. I was hoping he become better and he did become better but as you can see he gets sick easily that's why I have to take care of him more." She described and I processed everything in my mind.

"Why don't you remarry again?" She chuckled over my question. Did I crack a joke?

"Hmm... my mother also says that. But I want a person who doesn't only accept me but my kids as well. Who can love them like a real father. If my I have to make the decision than I will never ever get married and will make their life better." She said. "Archer, you also haven't married again?" She added.

"My condition is bit different.  I don't want to have a heart break again." I said to her.

"Hmm... love marriage?" She asked and I nodded.

"You are divorced or your wife is...." She didn't complete her sentence but I got it what she wanted to know.

"Divorce." I quickly reply it.

"I guess we both have choosen the wrong partners. Who didn't care about us." She said and I nodded. We heard a crying. I know it would be Caleb. Faith put her cup down and quickly went up and soon after I found the crying voice no more. Soon Faith come downstairs with Caleb who was around the blanket. She come towards me and sat where she was sitting. I looked over Caleb. Caleb didn't have every feature if his mother but the eyes but Cailey resembles her mother more.

Caleb was quite and wasn't even sleeping.

"Finally you are normal. Baby." Faith said with a smile and Caleb return to it. I found that Caleb has the same smile like Faith.

"Archer can you hold Caleb for a minute?" She asked.

"What if he started to cry?" I asked her and she smiled. Doesn't she smiled more.

"No, he won't be crying more. I guess he is hungry and I don't think that he will cry in your arms." She said.

"Where is Mrs. Johnson?" I asked her.

"Mom had gone to sleep. She was having a tiring day with twins." She said and smiled and went away. I was holding Caleb who was looking and me. I removes his blanket and pick him in my arms properly. He was smiling. I kissed his forehead like I used to do with Nathan. I heard him giggling. He is really adorable. I checked his temperature and his temperature was down. It also give me peace of mind. He kissed my cheek and I smiled. I looked over the kids who were still playing. I don't know why but I was feeling like I have a family.

Like Cailey and Caleb are my kids only and Faith is my...... wife. They all running around and always get to hide behind Faith. Nathan being the over protective brother he would be protecting him and would love both of them more. This all look surreal. I don't know but I was feeling very happy by having this scene. I guess if I would not disconnect Faith from Nathan's life then Nathan would get a mother and this twin me as father.

But this all is dream. Faith doesn't like me at all and I also doesn't like Faith.

Liar my brain said

Faith come and sit beside me with the bottle of the milk. She looked over me and smiled.

"I told you he won't be crying. See he is clinging over you like a monkey." She said and I found Caleb had put his little finger around my neck and his head was over my shoulder.

"Baby come hear and drink your milk." Faith called him. But he didn't come and she tried to Caleb but he wasn't living me.

"Archer don't mind please but can you make Caleb drink the milk?" She asked me and I nodded with smile.

"You look handsome when you smile. You should smile more." I heard those words from Faith and I looked over and she smiled and went towards Nathan and Cailey. I made Caleb sit over my lap and made him drink the milk. He hold up the bottle with his little hand and I was supporting his bottle and he was drinking without any pause and soon it was Finished and when he left the bottle he had a cute grin like he was proud that he drink the whole bottle of milk. I chuckled and looked over where others were present and the scene was perfect just like a perfect family.

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