peace of mind.

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Hi kitties


Ever felt that much something is creeping inside you? An unknown feeling? Well I was feeling something weird today after I pick up Faith.

Well If I state the truth then I had knew that Mrs. Johnson has a daughter. My thoughts were she must be beautiful like her mother and must be loving and caring and must be polite like her but my every expectation came to an end when Faith introduced herself as Mrs. Johnson daughter.

I am not denying that she is not beautiful she does look like Mrs. Johnson but her eyes are blue while Mrs. Johnson has brown eyes. Maybe she had inherited that blue eyes from her father. Never knew that Mrs. Johnson could have a annoying daughter who is utterly repulsive to her mother nature.

I didn't realise that my brain was full of Faith. I was literally discussing how she looks like. 

Really Archer? My brain screamed 

Uh... Maybe I am thinking too much but after yesterday encounter with her.  I am not able to put her away from my mind. The day when we first met she was not that much bold or was fluent but was annoying. But yesterday she was bold. That boldness somewhere hit my brain.

"Hmm... so you wanted to meet me like this?" I asked Faith.

"No, not at all. I don't have to meet you like this. I was thinking to meet you at party only." She said.

"Then how come you are with me now?" I asked.

"I guess my mother had already told you. So don't ask further." She said quite coldly.

"Why are you talking so coldly?" I asked.

"OH,  so Today my voice is cold but what about you Mr.  Robinson when you talk to me in cold way every now and then?" She asked.

"I guess you are not in the mood of talking." I said and she hummed. I was focusing on the road.

"I am sorry." Faith said. Her voice was soft.

"Why so?" I asked.

"To talk to you in cold way. My mind was not in right place." She said. I looked at her and she was looking outside.

"No problem." I said and then the ride was silent. I don't know but I was feeling like that the soft voice I just heard from Faith. I had heard it somewhere. I couldn't remember it right now.

"Have we met before?" Faith asked. I looked at her and she was looking at me with confused look.

"I don't think so." I said. "But why are you asking that?" I asked her.

"I don't know but, don't get me wrong, you are quite familiar to me. Maybe we have met before that incident that occur one month ago." She said.

"I am sorry to inform you but I don't think we have met before that, when we met in your office." I said.

"Maybe you are right." She said and we both didn't bother to disturb anyone.

Then my mind diverted to the question which Faith asked a while ago.

I also felt that we had met before. Have we? Maybe we have but never noticed. But this question is roaming around my brain like thunderstorms and is not going time soon.

"How much far is it?" Faith asked. Her voice was no more cold. I guess she was right. Even in two encounter she could have talk with me totally rude like I had talked with her but she didn't talk. She was calm and didn't talk with me in the same cold way.

"Just 15 minutes more." I said and she nodded. Wait a minute after Sabrina left me I didn't talk to any girl in soft or even polite way. I was always cold and prefer to be cold. But Faith is someone who let out her every emotion she is feeling. I guess I should make my distance with Faith in the party. The feelings having near me is kind of creepy. I don't want this feeling to erupt in me. I nodded and agreed with my plan.

We reached the party. But before I could even come out Faith had left the car before me. I guess she also want to make distance  good for her only.  I parked the car and followed her to make sure she was inside and I saw her with a guy. She was hugging a guy. I don't know why but this scene was making my blood boil.

"Hey bro, finally you here." I heard Ivan. I looked at him.  We did a bro hug.

"Where is Nathaniel?" He asked.

"He is with mom and dad. Mom was whining for Nathaniel and he top went with them happily and Nathan also doesn't like party much. He is kid after all." I said and he nodded

"He is sweetheart no doubt." He said.

"Ivan." We heard Irene. She is Ivan's wife.  She is Jolly kind of woman.

"OH hey Archer." She said and extended her hand and I grabbed her hand and done the handshake.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I am fine." I said.

"It's been long when I have heard from you. And where is Nathaniel?" She asked.

"He is with Mom and dad." I said and she nodded. I smiled but unknowingly I wanted to see Faith and my eyes went over the direction where I had last saw her but I couldn't find her.

"I will be right back." I said and they both nodded.

I think you wanted to create distance among you guys. My brain said. That is right but I think I am given the responsibility of Faith but Mrs. Johnson. I sighed when I found her talking with a girl. I couldn't see the girl face as her back was facing me. But by looking at Faith it given me my peace of mind.

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