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Hi kitties


The meeting went so much good that I want to dance like crazy. Mr. Lawrence was very nice person but I still wonder what he told to Archer and he smiled over it. I was behaving like a kid right now. Cause I was laughing and giggling over my next success. I kind of started to know the business rule. Though in the starting I was very afraid but I think because of Mom and Richard I am able to survive in the business world. So a big one thank you goes to them only.

I still have time before I reach my office. But I have to collect a file from Archer's cabin. After getting the file I have to go away and start over with my works. I kind of having a pile.of works which is needed to be clear in this week only.

I entered in his cabin and was shocked to see the person. He looked over me and ran towards me.

"Mommy." I knelt down and grab Nate in my arms. It was really a long month and week when I last saw him. I kissed over his forehead and he giggled.

"How are you baby?" I asked him.

"I am good." He said.

"How you come over here?" I asked him.

"I am come with my daddy." He said and I was confused.

"Who is your daddy?" I asked him and I don't know why but I was getting a feeling that something is wrong over here. He pointed towards a direction and I turned towards the direction and found Archer on which Nate was pointing. I gulped at looking at him. He was very very confused and I can tell it by his expression only.

"OH." I said and get up. 

"Mr. Robinson. I think I can explain the situation." I said to him in a calm voice and he looked over me with kind of fury eyes. Someone has encircled the little hand over my leg and I looked down to found Nate. I smiled over him and he smiled back.

"You better explain me fast." He said in quite cold voice.

"Sure why not." I said and looked over the time

"But I guess it is already lunch time and we should grab something to eat." I said and he looked over his watch and he nodded. He come to towards me and take Nate away from my legs.

"Daddy I want Mommy." Nate said and try to come over me but he didn't let him go. He already hates me and knowing that his son calls me Mommy who he hates with all his life than what the four ear kid will think about it.
I was lost in my thoughts about facing a fury Archer. Though I can handle his cold voice but I don't know how a fury Archer is?

"Will you come or not?" I heard his normal voice. I guess he won't be talking to me in the cold voice before his son. I nodded and followed him. But when I was in corroded suddenly my phone ringed up.  I quickly picked up the phone after seeing the ID.

"Hello Mr. Silveria." I said over the phone.

"Hello sweetheart. how do you do?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"I am doing good and what about you. You haven't call me for six month." I said and this time he chuckled.

"I am doing good." He said.

"Well, you are not. You recently wasn't good. That's why you haven't attended Mr. Parker's party." I said to him and he chuckled.

"OH dear that time I wasn't okay but now this old man is fit and fine." He said and I smiled.

"Good to hear that. Any reason you have called me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, this Saturday this old man is going to be 55. So you have to attend the party." He said and I chuckled.

"You aren't that much old. You still can perform those stunt when you were 25." I said to him  and he chuckled.

"Thanks for the compliment young lady. But you have to attend my birthday party." He said.

"Sure I will be there before the time." I said to him and he chuckled

"And don't forget to bring the twins." He said.

"Sure after all they are also missing their jolly grandpa." I said and he laughed.

"I should hung up now. Good bye and take care of yourself." He said.

"Sure, Good bye and you too take care of yourself." I said to him

"I will do it." He said and hung and I kept my phone back into the pocket. I was still following them and saw Archer sitting inside the car. Do I have to follow him or I have to go with him? I asked myself. Why sometime Archer become so much confusing. He looked over my direction and he come out from his car and walked towards me with long steps as well as hard. I was frighten by his act and he reached me in no time and pulled me with himself and make me sit in front of the far with him.

"Mommy." Nate said and I looked over him.

"Mommy is here only." I said to him and he smiled at me and I looked over Archer who come inside and drove off. Neither I nor anyone tried to break the silence which I know was growing tense. We were in front of the restaurant which was my favourite one and I used to be a regular customers when I was 22. From one year I haven't visited over here.

"We should go inside." He said and I nodded and we went inside. We settle our self down. We ordered our food and was waiting for it.

"So I want explanation now." Archer voice echoed and I looked over him who was looking at me emotion less eyes. I take a deep breath to tell him everything but I don't think there is something to be furious about but I guess he loves Nathan so much that he can't tolerate stranger around him. I was confused from where to start and before I can start speaking our food arrive. 

  we digged in the food and I started to explain everything and he also didn't interrupted me.

"So nothing much happened. He just find you as his mommy but you nothing to him. Is that clear?" He said to me and I nodded.

"Better I don't want you to be around me or my son." He said and I was shocked but I weakly nodded. He picked up Nathan and went away after paying the bill

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