--Chapter Sixteen--

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When I fell asleep, it wasn't dreamless or a nice dream

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When I fell asleep, it wasn't dreamless or a nice dream. It was a nightmare.

I was continuously running from the cops, but to no avail, and every once in a while, a painful memory of my family would flash through my mind causing me to falter while swinging. It was torture. It went on and on until I eventually got caught. I knew something bad was about to happen, so I fought with everything I had until they held me down to the ground. They were going to knock me out when I woke up with a start.

I was so panicked that I couldn't even remember where I was. My eyes were darting around the room trying to take in all the details, but failing miserably. I was breathing heavily in quick shallow breaths, not helping my situation in the slightest.

Suddenly the door flew open, my head immediately turning towards the sound. What I saw was Inferno walking in. His eyes went straight to me.

"Oh, good you're up," He simply said. "I'm sure you're confused, but let me go get Quake. She'll be the best person to explain what happened."

I merely nodded when he said this, for I was still trying to take everything in. He then walked out and I was left alone. I then took a couple of deep breaths and looked around the room without a frantic mind. The walls were black fading into deep reds and deep oranges, there were occasionally small dots of yellow on the walls. Using what I heard when I woke up the first time, I assumed I was in Inferno's room, or otherwise Dante's. There was a simple bed, with a desk in the corner with papers scattered all over the top. He didn't have anything on the walls, and the bed and desk were the only furniture. I waited for a minute after taking this all in, then Daisy walked in.

"I'm so glad you finally woke up, we were starting to get worried about you." She said as soon as I looked at her.

"Why were you worried? Wait! How long has it been?" I asked.

"You were unconscious for two days." She said slowly, sensing the shock in my voice. "But I don't understand why. Usually, my blasts only weaken someone, causing them to fall to the ground. If they do knock someone out, they wake up shortly after."

"Hm. Well, I guess I was an exception." I merely responded.

"That reminds me, why were webbed up? Wait, let me go get Patriot and Inferno, they'll want to hear this." She then walked out the door, not waiting for a response.

I was okay with that, I needed to sort out a believable lie. I wanted to stay somewhat close to the truth, so I would simply say that the imposter had landed in the ally, this is true, and that I was just walking past when they did, this is a lie, and that they had fought me and webbed me up. The fighting part was a lie, but I technically had webbed myself up.

Just as I finished coming up with my story the three of them walked in. They were intimidating with them all in their suits and the serious look they had on their faces. Quake and Inferno sat on the bed corners and Patriot pulled the chair from the desk over.

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