--Chapter Nineteen--

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Once we were out of the room Gwen lead me to a steel platform on the floor, it had the same symbol as the one on my medallion

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Once we were out of the room Gwen lead me to a steel platform on the floor, it had the same symbol as the one on my medallion.

"Now hold up the medallion Daisy gave you." Gwen said when we were standing in the middle of the platform. Not exactly sure what would happen, I slowly raised my hand holding it.

From somewhere a light came and scanned it. Then the platform started to rise up.

"Wow!" I said as we rode the rising platform.

"Cool right?" Gwen asked, I nodded in response.

As the platform rose, I saw it was taking us up to what appeared to be a garage. When the platform stopped I saw I was right. We were in a garage with tools scattered around the place. I saw a door at the front of the garage and that was where Gwen was going, so I followed.

"We can just walk around until you recognize a street name okay?" Gwen asked me once we were outside.

"Sounds good." I said while looking back at the garage. I knew where we were thanks to the tour they gave me, but I was going to see it Gwen would walk towards the address she saw on the papers. Then I could be close to my target and know what to expect.

As we were walking, it was mostly quiet, with the occasional question and answer. We were both caught up in our thoughts. I was thinking about how I escaped the cops. I knew Gwen was probably thinking about Mimic, so I took a risk and asked a question trying to solve what I was thinking about.

"What do you think her deal is?" I asked out of the blue.

"What?" She asked probably not paying attention.

"What do you think her deal is? You know Mimic." I responded.

"What do you mean by that? She's a criminal. She's stolen from several places."

"Yeah, but other than that she hasn't done anything. It's like she's planning something. Also, the only reason she was caught by the cops the last time was because she was talking to some kid."

"How do you know that?" She asked. I may have given away too much.

"I was nearby when it happened. She was talking to some kid then the police got really close and she had to run. They caught her in a net and almost got to her when the net came loose. It-"

"What do you mean the net came loose? Did she break out of it?" Gwen asked cutting me off.

"Well it kinda started to shake," I recalled from what I remembered. "Then it was just gone."

"That doesn't make sense. From what we know she only mimics Ghost-Spider's powers."

"So how did she do that?" I asked trying to figure the answer out myself.

"What if, she can mimic other people's powers? Like that would've been mimicking Quake's." She said picking up speed as she went on.

"That makes a lot of sense. I think you're right." I said realizing that she was. I could mimic anyone's powers. I had mimicked Daisy's powers to get out of the net, and Gwen's powers to stick to the wall when I fell running away from the orphanage.

"If I am right, she could be a bigger threat than I thought. If the police couldn't handle Ghost-Spider, then I can't see them dealing with Mimic." She said.

As she finished saying that we turned the corner and the next place I would go was just ahead. I knew she would head towards the address she saw on the paper. Now I would know she's here and be able to plan accordingly.

"I recognize where we are now. Thanks for walking me." I said knowing she'd stay around.

"It was nothing, besides you helped me figure out Mimic." She responded.

"I'm glad I-" I started before Gwen interrupted me.

"Look!" She said pointing to an older-looking hotel on the corner. It had a fire coming out of one of the windows on the floor towards the top.


Look! Another chapter! This is because I am ten chapters ahead of what is published. So enjoy! Also, enjoy the cliffhanger!


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