--Chapter Forty-Four--

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It's been about a month since the incident as I call it

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It's been about a month since the incident as I call it. A lot had happened after I left. They had rescued all the kids off of Hala's ship, and had another person join the team. Riri Williams, aka Ironheart. She had helped them stop anti plasma from consuming the whole planet. I hadn't helped them directly during this, but I did help the civilians get to safety.

Then there was Screaming Mimi, their most recent threat. She had been a student participating in a battle of the bands, she used her choker to sabotage the other bands' abilities to get there. I was prepared to come help if needed, but they had the situation under control. In the end, Gwen even told her friends who she was.

I had left them a month ago, but it still felt like yesterday. I occasionally would run into Dr. Sephiran, but he was no problem. Overall, life was pretty simple. I had gotten a job at a small bookshop with good pay, the owner was nice too. She had figured out I had nowhere to stay and had offered the loft above the shop. She was a nice woman, in her mid 60's, with a couple of cats that she would bring every day. I quite enjoyed it, and she enjoyed my company too.

I had seen a couple of the Secret Warriors every now and again, sometimes I would even walk past the garage. They never saw me, I made sure of it. For all they know, I was halfway around the world, or even dead.

"What's on your mind?" Ms. Dorris asked me.

"Just thinking," I responded as I placed another book back where it belonged.

"About what?" She asked as she handed me another book.

"How much my life has changed in this last month, the answer is drastically," I told her. She just smiled knowingly. She knew about my past, it was just easier that way.

"I understand, if you want to go clear your head you can." She told me, I nodded and headed to the door.

This was something Ms. Dorris allowed me to do whenever I needed to. I could go out for a walk to clear my head, or to simply have a change of scenery. The bookshop never got too busy, so it was never a problem. Sometimes I would be gone for five minutes, sometimes a couple of hours. She never minded, because I would always find my way back.

I knew I'd be out for a while, so I grabbed a jacket to keep warm in the cool autumn air. I knew that she wouldn't mind if I didn't come back until after the shop closed, because it was 5:23 pm, and the shop closes at 7:30. She knew my past was something that could take me hours to figure out. Before I left I grabbed my backpack, it didn't have a lot, just a notebook and some pencils.

"I'll see you later. Don't wait for me to eat, I'll grab something while I'm out." I told her as I opened the door.

"Okay, don't stay out too late!" She called after me. I chuckled as the door closed behind me. Ms. Dorris had become family to me, and she feels the same way.

I started walking down the street, just thinking. I could be thinking hard about something and then end up someplace where I could think. However, this time I had a place in mind. The park. I often went there when I needed to think, and it had so many things that I could focus on. I would often find a place to stop and draw something there or something on my mind. At the park, I could draw kids playing, the playsets, or even just the sky. Ms. Dorris would always insist on pinning my work around the shop, and I couldn't say no to her. She told me that she could feel the emotion in the drawing, like a little glimpse inside my head.

The park wasn't that far from the shop, just a couple of blocks. This was another reason I liked going there, even if the weather started taking a turn for the worse I could easily be back before it got too bad. Then Ms. Dorris wouldn't have to worry about me.

Soon I arrived at the park, which already had a couple of families, but not a lot. I sat down on one of the benches and pulled out my notebook and pencils. I didn't want to draw anything I saw, so I just started drawing. I just started to draw what I was thinking about, and that just so happened to be the Secret Warriors.

I drew Gwen first, the only one who I knew who trusted me. Then Doreen, she never said she didn't trust me, but I couldn't know for sure. I kept drawing them and kept thinking about how they acted when I was around. Then I got to Daisy. Her name just made me mad. She pretended to trust me, and then stabbed me in the back. Even if she hadn't meant to hurt me, she still did. I would never forget that.

Once I had drawn all of them, I started drawing the background. They were in a restaurant all around a table enjoying each other, laughing, talking, having so much fun. I wished I was there.

I sighed as I started adding color. This was the part I enjoyed most, but now something felt off. It felt like someone was watching me. I looked up and saw Riri standing on the other side of the park looking at me.

She was wearing a black leather jacket with a white collar. Underneath was a red shirt with a white circle in the middle. She had black leggings and dark gray sneakers with white laces. She also had a necklace on with a Secret Warriors medallion hanging from it.

She immediately saw me looking at her and she started walking over to me. Before she could see it, I closed my notebook, the last thing I needed was for her to see a drawing of the Secret Warriors. Soon enough she had reached me, I tried to calm my racing heart. She's never seen me in person, there's a possibility she doesn't even know I exist.

"Hey." She started a little awkwardly.

"Hey?" I responded with a little hesitation, I wasn't sure what she wanted, but I needed to act natural.

"I'm Riri, I'm sorry if this is awkward. I saw you drawing and it looked like you were upset. I was told to go meet someone new, and when you looked up at me, I thought it was a good opportunity." She told me, then she started rambling about how sorry she was, and how it was a bad idea.

"Stop, just stop. Take a breath. It's nice to meet you Riri, I totally get what you're trying to say." I told her, she looked relieved.

"Thanks, mind if I sit down?" She asked me. I nodded and slid over to give her more space.

"Hey, do you mind if I draw you?" I asked out of the blue. She looked shocked, but she nodded her head.

"Sure, is drawing like your thing?" She responded. I simply nodded to answer her question while pulling out my notebook.

We talked for a while, she would ask me a question and I'd answer while drawing her. Every now and again I'd glance up and look at her. She told me about what she was building, and I did my best to understand all of the technical terms. I had just finished my drawing when I heard her stomach rumble.

"I guess I didn't realize the time." She said glancing at her phone.

"It's okay, I know a place nearby let's go," I told her getting up.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to be rude..." She started before I cut her off.

"I'm sure. Come on." I told her as I helped her up.

"Okay then, lead the way."


So, it's an update. It's a longer one too, and it's drawing us closer to the end. I don't remember if I told you this, but there will be a chapter in Riri's p.o.v, just so you can know what's going on. Ace is the main p.o.v because I enjoy writing it the most, so I try to stay away from writing in other character's perspectives. With that in mind, if I do add another perspective, it's again because I feel like it's needed. Anyway, this was one of the chapters that caused my friends to connect the dots on why I like writing in Ace's perspective. They said that Ace is basically me, and they're half right. If any of you wondered how I came up with Ace's behavior and character, I basically took the lines that needed to be said and the type of personality that I think would fit into the story, and that's how. I spent forever   trying to find a name, and I think I did a pretty good job. Anyway, sorry for ranting, I just needed to vent a little bit. I thank all of you who read this far and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed. Thanks.


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