--Chapter Twenty-Two--

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He had a black helmet-like thing with horns

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He had a black helmet-like thing with horns. He had black armor on with what looked like blue arrows pointing down in the middle of his chest.

"Exile? Really?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I know right?" Ghost-Spider said.

"Go ahead and laugh while you can. You don't have long." He said right before disappearing into a black portal.

"Stay alert, he'll be back. He wouldn't just appear and disappear for no reason." She warned me.

"You're right. He just got me to even the playing field." A new voice said appearing in front of us.

"Sheath." Ghost-Spider said in a low voice. The single word was drenched with hate.

"No one to save you now. It's time to squash you like the bug you are."

"You couldn't beat me before, what makes you think you can now?"

"Because Exile and I want vengeance, you can't defeat both of us. Not with her." She said nodding in my direction.

"Just watch me." She responded. I was a little offended that she didn't say I wasn't useless, but we had bigger problems.

"That's a show I'd pay for, if it even existed." Exile said popping behind us and knocking Ghost-Spider to the ground. I turned around and shot a web in his face to block his vision. I then punched him in his gut to knock him to the ground.

"Don't count me out yet." I said then webbing him to the ground.

"Thanks." Ghost-Spider said getting up. Then she and Sheath started fighting. Exile had broken out of the webs and was about to attack Ghost-Spider from behind, but I shot a web and pulled him away.

We had been fighting for a while when Exile pinned me.

"Ace!" Ghost-Spider tried to come help when Sheath pushed her to the ground.

"What was that about beating us?" Sheath asked mockingly.

"Let her go! She has no part in this!" Ghost-Spider said while trying to break out of Sheath's hold on her.

"She does now. Hala wants new recruits, she sent us after you but she's an added bonus." Exile said smugly.

"Why me? I would never fight for Hala!" Ghost-Spider said still trying to get up.

"We have something that might convince you otherwise. Also, you'll help us convince another recruit. Says he won't fight, but we know he'll do anything for you." Exile said with a laugh at the end.

"Who are you talking about?" She asked. I could tell she was curious because she stopped struggling.

"You'll find out soon enough." Sheath replied.

"Now enough questions, it's time to bring you in." Exile said ending the conversation.

Exile lifted me up to my feet and Sheath did the same with Ghost-Spider. He then shoved me over to Sheath, so he could focus on making a portal big enough for all of us, I thought. I took this opportunity to blast Sheath, mimicking Quake's powers. Sheath was forced into the wall releasing Ghost-Spider.

"Come on! Let's get out of here!" I said as I helped her up.

"Not so fast!" Sheath proclaimed throwing one of her energy knives at us. Ghost-Spider was able to get out of the way, but it caught me on my leg. I fell onto the ground, crying out in pain. It was like the life was sucked out of me. Black spots were dancing in my vision, but I pushed them away.


Yet another cliff hanger. I hate to tell you this, but you won't find out what happens until chapter 25. On the bright side, NEW PERSPECTIVE NEXT CHAPTER!! I'll tell you now whose perspective it'll be in now.



























It's GWEN'S!! She is my favorite character and the initiation episodes are what got me into it. Also, I think it's needed and will be fun to write. I hope you will enjoy the new perspective when I publish it. I'd like to hear who your guy's favorite character is, so comment it down below, or if you want you can message me. Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it! Also, me and two other authors will be doing a Q & A, so you can comment or message me questions too. There is something in the works with me and Sumereii for all of you Miraculous Ladybug Fans too, but you'll have to wait as we just came up with the idea. Like I said it's in the works. If there is anything you guys would like to see in this let me know! I'm currently torn between two ideas for where this will go, but I think I'm almost at a decision. Just thought I'd let you guys know that I'm trying to work on more things other than just this and the current storyline. Thanks for reading!


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