{1}-Tripping It

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Percy POV

"Brooke, your hilarious. Had a great time. I'll call you." I smiled, kissing Brooke Steins on the cheek, she blushing furisouly and walking away, winking before she did.

I ran a hand through the mess of my black hair and adjusted my tie. Sighing I called Grover. Brooke was nice, but I couldn't call her again. She was too....braggy, how her dad owned a million dollar company, how I knew her dad and he fixed us up on this date....

Ugh life can be so complicated.

I had a huge test tomorrow and then spring break. And then finally I'm off to L.A with Jason and Leo and Frank for a boys trip. Its going to be exiting. '

I walked home, the streets of Lime Light busy even at ten thirty, the date had been agonizingly dull. She rambled on about her brand new job at her dad's company and how her Facebook

status went up now shes met Percy Jackson.


By the time he had reached his new apartment, he moved out almost two years ago, to Hecate's Paths, a lower end penthouse that Grover lived with Juniper in. I lived in the penthouse next to him.

Jason and Leo were already there, laying on the couch lazily, playing Call Of Duty, Frank was on his way home from work and pizza had already been ordered. Even at ten thrity.

"Hey, how was your date?" Jason said, not taking his eyes of the screen, his thumbs flipping the switches, the corner of Leo's mouth twitching.

When I didn't answer Leo piped up."Not calling her?" He said again, not taking his eyes of the colorful screen.

"Yeah, too, braggy." I muttered, plopping down on the armchair I closed my eyes, trying to not dissolve into a dreamless peaceful sleep. Tomorrow the test is huge and....so many essasy to turn in.

And then finally spring break.

The rest of the night was uneventful, Frank who now has his job as a biologist(intern) and came home from work and collapsed on the chair, squishing Leo almost to death.

I got up, took a shower and tried to study but fell asleep in my room before I could. Me and Jason shared a room, because Leo said and I quote 'the nerdy boys can be baby boys. Me AND Frank will share.' Leo said as soon as they moved in, shoving Frank into their room.

It was true, him and Jason had to study a lot more than Leo and sometimes Frank but Leo ate his own words, staying up for twelve hours to study for a huge paper in macahics. And of course, Frank snored like six freight trains and the horrible gym whistle.

The next morning went dully, get up, somehow get dressed and eat breakfast, wake Leo up who was a deeeeeeeeep sleeper and finally get us out the door before eight thirty. Most days Grovers wife Juniper had to shake us out of bed. Finally the both of them were going to have children, even though they'd been trying for almost a year. And seen like fifty million doctors.

The test was SUPER dull. An old bat named Mrs. Dodds was the test teacher and she looked ready to whip anyone who stood in her way of victory.

At noon every college student was dragging themselves out of the school trying to call an uber but ended up falling asleep with their noses on the table, squashing the halves of their face.

"Perce, when do you guys leave?" Piper said to me while hugging Jason. I smiled mischeviosuly at Jason who blushed pink.

" 'Round four, we're taking a public plane. Those private jets can suck it." I smiled at Piper who had forgiven me about four months after.....after the tour. It took Hazel much longer, much much longer. Like almost a year.

But she forgave me, I knew she couldn't stay mad at me long.

"So where on Earth are you going?" Piper again gave a small smile, brushing back a choppy braided strand. She is beautiful and very smart, and only once has she out-bested--no...I can't think of her.

Its too painful.

"Surprise Pipes, but its the same with your girls trip isn't it?" I said, raising my eyebrows. Piper gave an shocking giggle. Piper like Hazel......and Calypso wasn't girly one BIT.

"Yup, moms taking us as a treat for you know...abandoning her daughter and ex-husband leaving us to find out I have two half siblings, one a model and one of her emloyees." Piper said sarcastically.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention. Piper found out she has two half sisters, Lacey, who I was shocked to hear about and Drew Tanaka, the world famous model and when the news blew up about it, so did her ego.

"I'm just glad I'm my fathers only child....I mean its better than finding out about half siblings you wish you had..."My voice broke. I had always wanted another sibling, maybe my own age. It would be nice to have someone to relate to.

Me and the boys left campus around one, going home to pack and get ready for our weekend trip to L.A. I searched my closet for a good comfy pair of sweatpants when I stumbled over a box.

"Dam." I cursed under my breath, my eyes trying to not tear up in pain. I hated stubbing my toes, WHY DID THE LITTLE ONE HURT SO DAM MUCH?

I sat down, cross legged and my baby toe throbbing. I pulled the shoe box into my lap, not registering what was inside of it. ADHD and dyslexia does that to you.

I pop the lid off and carefully pull the wrapping paper off. A small chain of gold, simple and cold to the touch. A single red coral pendant coming down, delicate with every curve.

To my surprise no tears come to my eyes or my heart doesn't do painful jumping jacks that crack my ribs.

I'm sick of getting my hopes up for nothing.

Its almost been two years and the last words she said to me where 'love you, bye' and I've been praying, hoping one day she'll come back. But I know she's not. I know she's not coming back or anything.

Every day since the break up I've been hovering over her contact, wanting to text her. But then the one tiny sliver of common sense comes back to me. If she wants to talk to me, she'll talk to me. I'm the one who messed up, I know I kissed that girl while slightly drunk. I had only two small drinks. SMALL.

But she thought I had....gone home with her and I think that's what broke her.

I close the box and shove it back into the depths of my closet, not angry or sad. Something hit me like a bullet. All of the dates I've gone on, the girls I've made fall for me, all just a waste of time.

Because I wasn't over Annabeth Chase. Not really. It may have taken 20 some love songs and a million calls but it was worth it. I'm over her.

A Distant Love {Sequel to My One&Only} Percabeth AUWhere stories live. Discover now