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" And I don't wanna be
Your final glimpse of me

But if you could please
Return my shrek dvd's

Please never fall in love again. "

Dan slowly sang, echoes were heard outside his room even tho the door and windows were shut. He was rolling back and forth his bed since his mom took his phone away. "I need to get my phone back so I can message Brendon. I can escape from this hell of a house." He thought. He tiptoed his way to the door, again trying not to make a noise. He carefully opened his door for it may have creaked loudly if he opened it normally. It was 3am and couldve woke everyone up. He successfully got the door open to the size he could fit through.

He squeezed himself through the cracks and jumped out. "Phew.." He then walked to his parents' bedroom and did the same strategy. Once he got through, this was the time he realized he should be almost not breathing for him to make silence. He held up his breath and quickly examined the room. He was thinking on where that phone could be. He got on all fours and crawled, tryna look if his phine was under the bed. He suddenly bumped into a big piece of vase, slightly waking up his mom; his mom rolled over the other side and slept again.

He let out his breath and look in the drawers beside their laundry basket. He seemed to see a phone case when he leaned sideways to check the laundry basket. Dan had his smile up to his ears when he pulled out his phone that had a blue phone case. He sat and got up, walking to the big door of the room. He pulled it open and shut it close, carefully.

He ran to his bedroom, instantly trying to text friends so he can run away from his home.

—PrivateChatWith beebo🐝—

danvowell: hey i need help

we're sorry, it seems like beebo🐝's phone is turned off. we'll deliver your message once beebo🐝's phone turns on.

"What the fuck."

—PrivateChatWith Phil 🦁—

danvowell: i need help

Phil 🦁: U wot m8

danvowell: i need to run away from home

danvowell: my family's threatening me to go to a mental hospital, i need your help ASAP

Phil 🦁: What? Why?

danvowell: shut up phil i just really need to go so if you can pull up atleast a motorcycle here i would highly appreciate it

Phil 🦁: Don't say shut up to me, ya need to be nice to the man you're begging from,

danvowell: oh ffs phil

Phil 🦁: I'll help u hold on

Dan's screen went black.

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