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hi me not rlly ok rn but im tryna do the "one chapter per week" ting

[Dan's POV]

I plopped on my bed and groaned as soon as I saw my screen turn black. I don't even have the charger since mum took it and stupid ol' me forgot to find it with my phone. All I wish right now is for Phil to arrive, honestly. But I don't think he'll even arrive because he doesn't know my address. I might as well take a nap now, it's no use. I look at my messy bed before laying down and try to sleep.


I open my sticky eyes as I hear a car pulling up. I glance towards the window and see an orange light blinking while giving out sounds. I jump up from my bed as I rush to the door and look outside. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin... It's Phil. I run barefoot outside to talk to Phil. "Phil! How'd you get my address?" I whisper-shouted. "Oh, I got it from Brendon. Our apartment rooms are next to eachother so I interrupted his sleep just to get your address. He got suspicious but he still gave me it." Phil let out a cheeky grin as I sigh.

"Okay, I'm just gonna get my stuff. Stay here, okay?" Phil nodded. I close to door ever so slightly and run to my bedroom. I walk into my bedroom and shivering from the cold floor. I grab my bag full of clothes and drag it on top of my bed. I stuff my phone, glasses, and towel in it and they barely fitted. I put on my shoes quickly and after I took the bag filled with stuff I need as I head off outside.

As I close the gate of our house, Phil turns around and hurrily opens the car door for me. I chuckle, "I'm 17. I'm not a child, I can handle myself Phil." I get inside and and close the door. I hear Phil answer, "Hey, you should be thanking me." He goes around the car and gets inside on the driver's seat. He closes the door and starts the car. After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke up. "Hey, where are you taking me anyway?"

"I'm taking you to my apartment. I live close to our school and live alone. And as I told you, my apartment room is next to Brendon's. He still doesn't know your situation so we'll explain it to him later." Phil answered in one breath. "You don't even fully know the whole situation, Phil." I roll my eyes as the car starts to move. Phil just laughed.


[Phil's POV]

In a solid 10 minutes, we got to my apartment. Actually, it took about 15 minutes but those 5 minutes were just me going to Mcdonalds in a drive-thru. I look to my right and I see Dan peacefully sleeping with a towel in hand. I admire him for a few seconds until I hear Brendon's voice and the sound of a gate opening. I quickly try to wake up Dan as Brendon approaches. Dan's eyes slowly open as Brendon opens the car door.

"The fuck? Why do you have Dan in here?" He chuckles while observing the inside of the car. "Long story. We'll tell you once I get this lad to my apartment. You can come with us inside." I answer while helping Dan get up. "Is this real life?" Dan asked while yawning and looking around. "You got him drugged, Phil." Brendon stated as I shush him. "Yes, this is real life. Now let's get up and go inside."

Dan came to reality and opened his eyes wide. "Wait, holy shit we're here." Dan jumped up his seat and got outside. "Yeah, we're here." I respond, honestly annoyed. I take the Mcdonalds paper bag and carry it as I walk outside. I close the door with my foot, "Brendon, open my apartment gate."

He pulls the door open and Dan hurrily goes inside. Bren and I walk up the pavement and I push the door close.

[Back to Dan's POV]

I gently open the door to Phil's apartment and boy, is it messy. In fact, messier than my own room. There were shots of wine everywhere around the dinner table and a wiped out cigarette on the white floor. Phil gets inside and his jaw drops. He quickly apologizes for the messy room and right now if I am being honest, I think he has some issue he's not telling us. "It's okay, no problem. I don't mind at all."

I sit on the black couch and Phil follows. Brendon sits on the chair that was slightly out of place. "Give me the explanation I crave for." He smiles while I throw my head back from the couch and hitting my head on the wall. This gon' be a long conversation.


hi babies! i might not post a lot because of school and personal issues, and i know its ridiculous because i literally just promised that i'll be posting chapters per week!! but life's getting prtty rough and yeah just wanted yall silent readers to know. also, thnks fr th 60+ reads. appreciate it lots. sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes hehe i dont rlly proofread these days. anyw thank you for reading this messy author's note!!!

byebye lovlies xx

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