Chapter 4

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***Authors Note: HI if you're from Instagram. HI if you're from Wattpad!! HI if you're here just to be here!! I love you all!! A reminder that you can find live updates of my most recent stories on my Instagram: @wdweditor as I do not move those stories to Wattpad until they have been completed!! I love you all babes!! Thank you for your love you all add to my reasons to smile!***

The next night.

I had been sick as hell all day and had a raging headache. It was a Saturday so I didn't have any classes so I could afford to stay in bed all day.

Tate was at Jonah's for the weekend so I was by myself. Typically, this would be when I'd have Zach over health was clearly deteriorating.

Oh and I was also, ya know, working on getting back together with Luke.

I heard my phone buzz and groaned as I reached for my phone.

It was Zach.


"Yo you free tonight? I can come over."

"Did you not see my snap?"

"No? What snap?"

"Check your snap and call me back."

I hung up and rolled over in bed to blow my nose again.

My phone buzzed again and I picked it up.

"You're sick?"

"That's what I said."

"Alright so rain check on that?"


"Do you need anything? I know you're alone tonight."

"Nah I'm fine. Thanks though."

"Well, hopefully you feel better soon. If you need anything text me ok?"

"Yeah of course."



I rolled over in bed again and tried to close my eyes.

About forty five minutes later I heard a knock at my door.

I sat up in bed.

"Come in?" I said, cautiously. Who could possibly be trying to see me right now?

"Ya know, you should really lock your door. I could've been a serial killer." Zach walked into my room, closing and locking the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes. "Zach, what are you doing here? I told you. I'm not having sex with you right now. I feel like hell."

"I know." He said taking off his sweatshirt. "Now make room."

"What are you doing?" I said, laughing at him but making room in bed for him nonetheless.

"Taking care of you." He said, getting up onto my bed, putting one arm around me.

"You're ridiculous." I said, smiling at him.

"Yeah, but I'm your ridiculous best friend. And as you're ridiculous best friend, I'm here to take care of you." He said, pulling me in close to him.

"Ok well, as much as I would enjoy cuddling you, I should warn you that every five seconds I have to roll onto a different side so everything in my nose clears one side then the other."

"Alright, I'll roll with you then." He said, laughing.

"Ok, real talk though, why are you doing this?" I asked him, trying to reach the tissues at the end of my bed.

He handed me one, "Because."

I blew my nose, "Because why."

"I'm trying to show you that we're more than just sex."

"Zach, we've talked about this. And you know I'm trying to fix things with Luke again."

"So? I can still show you what you'd be missing." He said, winking at me.

"You're ridiculous." I said, rolling over onto my other side.

As promised, he did so as well to spoon me.

"Look, this isn't important right now. You just rest ok?"

"Alright, but you gotta sing for me." I said, smiling at him.

"Fine. What you want me to sing?"

"I don't know...something new. Something I haven't heard before."

"Uh...well what about something that I've been working on for me and the boys?"

"Sure. That works."

"Alright. Uh...used to be scared of the ocean 'cause I didn't know how to swim. I took one sip of your potion. Now I'm just divin' right in. I heard your siren's call it was beautiful. I am drowning but please don't save me. I'm in too deep can't touch the bottom with my feet. Don't know what you did to me I can't breathe but I'm living..."

I didn't get to hear him finish the rest of the song. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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