« twenty-nine »

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A week.

A week has passed.

Neither Jeno or Chenle were found.

Renjun looked down as he walked down the halls. He couldn't look anyone in the eye.

"Huang, get your ass over here." His eyes widened once he heard Donghyucks voice and he quickly ran over to the boy.

"Look, I get that we aren't friends and you absolutely hate me for trying to kill you but we have to at least act like we're still friends or it'll raise suspicion. Mark came up to me earlier and asked why we never even looked at each other last week! We can't raise suspicion."

"Well, I don't like you so I will not force myself to talk to you and I have a project to work on so I'm leaving." He walked into the art room, shut the door in Donghyucks face, and smiled at Mark.

Or, he tried to.

"Hey Junnie!" Donghyucks heart started to pound once he heard the boys voice. He sat outside of the door and put his ear against it, trying to listen to their conversation.

"Hey Markie! Are you ready to go back to your uncomfortable position?" Renjun put the canvas on the easel while Mark sat on the stool.

He propped one of his legs up on the bar and let his arms fall.

"No, I need you to hold onto the barstool." Mark grabbed either side of the barstool, teasing Renjun slightly. The younger boy just rolled his eyes and gave him a glare.

"Not like that! You know what I'm talking about." Donghyuck peeked through the tiny window in the door, trying to see what was happening between the two.

"Like this?" Mark put both of his arms behind him and held onto the back of the stool, making Renjun huff.

"Hahaha, very funny. Now fix it."

"I don't know how to, can you fix it for me?" Renjun gulped once he heard the words leave his mouth. He was teasing Renjun in a friendly way but he couldn't help but think that Mark was flirting with him.

"Fine you big baby! You can't do anything on your own." The two boys laughed while Renjun walked over. He grabbed Marks hand and led it to the front of the stool with a smile on his face.

It felt like a spark flew through him, his heartbeat increased and his breath hitched once he noticed how close he was to Mark.

Donghyuck didn't like it.

He felt jealous.

He couldn't help but feel like Renjun was trying to snatch him and the game hasn't even ended yet.

"So, are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna kiss me?" Renjuns face heated up once the words exited Marks mouth while Donghyuck gasped.

"W-why would I kiss you?" Nervousness ran through Renjuns system as Mark leaned closer to him.

"You know, I made it very obvious that I like you and I know that you like me too. If you want to kiss me, go ahead because I want to kiss you too." Renjuns breath became heavy once Mark shut his eyes and leaned closer.

His hands traveled from the stool and onto Renjuns waist, pulling him closer.

He was nervous but he was happy.

He wanted to kiss him.

He leaned in and shut his eyes, smiling at the thought of kissing Mark.

As soon as the tips of their lips made contact [a/n: oooh, bars], he heard a scream and the door open.

The two boys were met with a red faced, huffy Donghyuck and before they could even talk, Donghyuck grabbed Renjuns hand and exited the room, leaving Mark alone.

"What the hell was that for?" Renjuns eyebrows furrowed and he pulled away from Donghyuck. His heart was practically pounding out of his chest by then.

Donghyuck just chuckled softly and exited the school.

"Say bye to Seoul High cause this is the last time you'll ever see it."

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